Our Top Tool for Writing a Blog

It’s simpler than you think



So much of media/journalism/freelance writing is online and even more so, so much of it is dependant on good advertising.

Are you able to get eyes on your content? Are you able to clicks and views?

The unfortunate reality is that as writers, we need eyes on our work for it to be successful (I’ll avoid any philosophical argument here) but we at the very least, endeavour to make an impact.

Note: this isn’t an advert in any way shape or form. I’ve never spoken to the guys at Wordstream!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is the process by which articles/ads are optimised to position well on Google. For example, if your website has a lot of other websites linking into it, it’ll rank higher on Google. If it has a smaller size, or if more people go onto your page, it’ll be easier to find on search engines.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash


Keywords are the usual phrases that people type into search engines to search for things. Think about what you type into Google — for me, it’s often broken sentences and half-related points. Google have done an amazing job of being able to bring forward the most useful websites in regards to a search, and if you know what people search for, you know what to write about!

Who cares?

To run a successful blog or media website, you need to be discoverable on Google — especially the first couple of pages. If that’s not the case, it doesn’t matter how great the work is — it’s not resonating with Google or Social Media, and so you need to figure out where you’re going wrong.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash


Wordstream provide a really simple tool. You type in a keyword or a website URL, and it helps you in finding related keywords that are popular on Google and Bing — but not only that, it shows the cost per click for each keyword.

Now more concentrated keywords will have higher cost per clicks, but every now and then, you’ll find keywords with a huge number of views, but a low cost for click. These are the keywords to go for because you’re more likely to succeed.


As you can see, the term “a freelance writer” is the highest search item on Google for my website, and as logic dictates, i’ll be writing a a topic with that title in due course!



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