The Five Benefits of Morning Pages for Creators

Silencing the inner critic is just one!

Mallika Kamat
The Writer’s Journal


Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

It’s no accident that I decided to become a writer, in spite of my training in Engineering and Management, after doing Morning Pages every day for 3 months. I didn’t just flirt with the idea either; in a few months, I’d written the first draft of my novel during NaNoWriMo 2018.

There was a cause-effect relationship at play. Looking back through the reams of writing I did, I can trace my journey from self-doubt, confusion and fear to calm, clarity and, ultimately, determination to become a writer.

I was no stranger to writing; I’d started keeping a diary when I was about twelve years old, right after my mother got me The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. As the years rolled by, I didn’t keep a diary in the traditional sense, but wrote sporadically whenever something bothered me. Although I’d heard of Leonardo Da Vinci’s stream of consciousness writing, I had never expected my own scribbles to be remotely illuminating.

How very wrong I was.



Mallika Kamat
The Writer’s Journal

MSc in Management. Working on my debut novel. Published in The Ascent, The Writing Cooperative.