Empathy Via Fiction: Lessons From Jordan Peele

Todd Foley
The Writer’s Life
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1 min readNov 18, 2019

Despite a seemingly never-ending slate of reboots and franchises, 2019 was a banner year for original horror stories. One of the most satisfying theatrical experiences for me this year was Jordan Peele’s Us, a new nightmare from the mind of Get Out. Us may not have had the universal audience adoration of Get Out, but it further cemented Peele as anything but a one-trick pony.

I won’t go specifically into the plot points of Peele’s films, but if you catch any interview with him, you’ll find two common themes in his storytelling approach: empathy and humility.

Learn how you can harness these two approaches for your own stories!



Todd Foley
The Writer’s Life

If a Lifetime thriller got the A24 remix. 3x optioned screenwriter. Author of 4 novellas. Agent: Doreen Holmes @ Integral Artists