How To Write A Screenplay Pitch That Sells

6 Invaluable Ingredients To Sell Your Idea

Todd Foley
The Writer’s Life


You’ve written a screenplay, now you’re ready to sell it to Hollywood.

Easier said that done, right? Oh, if only. You could have the most original script written in years, but if you can’t pitch it in a concise, efficient way, it’ll never catch the attention of a producer or agent. They need to know what your story is about, why it’s unique, and who will want to see it — in other words, they need to know if this film will make money.

As intimidating as it may seem, you can create a compelling pitch by including the right ingredients.

I’m not a salesperson by any means, but with two feature screenplays written, I’ve learned a lot by pitching my product to producers and agents. One pitch got 3 passes before reading the script, and the other got 2 requests for the script — both with very positive feedback. I owe the success of the two requests to the following six ingredients.

Ingredient 1: Clarity Of Genre

Photo by Frederick Tubiermont on Unsplash

Know your genre! Producers and agents typically choose certain genres they want to…



Todd Foley
The Writer’s Life

If a Lifetime thriller got the A24 remix. 3x optioned screenwriter. Author of 4 novellas. Agent: Doreen Holmes @ Integral Artists