Write for Us — Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for The Writer’s Potluck

What you need to know about this publication

Peter Banasiak
The Writer’s Potluck
4 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Welcome to The Writer’s Potluck!

A potluck is a gathering of people who each contribute a dish to the meal. It’s common here in middle America. It’s one way friends, family, and community come together to experience something bigger than themselves, something to express a little bit from their every day — an aspect of their humanity.

Hello and welcome to the table.

I’m Peter and I’ve created this publication to help bring people together. I have a passion for cooking and writing and often find these two professions complement each other.

And when you get down to their fundamentals, both cooking and writing are intimate expressions of one’s individuality. From cooking a meal for your friends or writing an article you publish to the world, you are putting yourself out there — sometimes bleeding onto the page, and hopefully not the dish.

That ain't serv-safe.

The Writer’s Potluck is a place for writers and readers, for the adventurous and the timid — I only ask that you put yourself out there and live a little.



Peter Banasiak
The Writer’s Potluck

Blogger, essayist, pizzaiolo. I write at the intersection of identity, philosophy, and self-development. I use what I've learned to help those who wander..