A Way From Home


Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

A loud horn starts up as I look up to a massive wooden tower above me. A man dressed in gold and bright blue with a hat winks down at me, or is he? I can’t tell, maybe it’s to the girl in the front of me.

I had seen the ad on T.V. of course, and the one on the billboard, but nothing had me prepared for this. I was only in my dark tattered blue jeans and my nicest light blue blouse. My chestnut hair hung in a low ponytail.

“Welcome thee to Faireville, have ye been here before lass?” A lovely lady in a green gown with a black corset tied up in front asks me. I’ve never seen a lady that wasn’t afraid to cover up her assets. Her breasts sneaking out for a peak in the summer sun. Her green hat matches her gown and even her jewelry looks spectacular.

“Were you talking to me?” I was curious now, I’ve never been approached by a stranger before, this was all so new to me.

“Yes, mi lady, I was talking to thee, I suppose ye have come a long way to experience this new world, or I should say an old one.” Her voice was soothing as silk, and for whatever reason, she looked wise and kind.

“Ope Wide The Gates!” The man with the horn yelled, and all the guests around me yelled back “Huzzah!”

Next thing I knew, I was being pushed by folks through the door as I handed the cute lady my ticket. Even she was dressed in a lovely dress and corset. I suddenly felt under dressed.

A man in a white sheet with huge red lettering splattered on it said “MUD SHOW 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.” As I passed by him, he winked at me and said “Ye don’t want to miss this show, if ye like to get down and dirty.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I felt lighter and as I passed by, I could hear a mandolin and flute player play some old Celtic tune that I think my grandmother used to sing to me as a baby. The tents around me as I passed by looked like they had been set in older times. I sensed I was traveling back in time as I saw a good portion of folks dressed from that time.

“Ye need new garb, mi lady, a lovely dress made of blue or green would suit your nature, and if ye find anything ye like, we can give ye a discount, as it be your first time here?” Another lovely lady with silver long hair and blue eyes asked me. She had on a beautiful skirt that swirled with a flourish of blues and slight greens in it. I was mesmerized by the movement. Her off white shirt was off her shoulders, and while it didn’t show off her assets as the other lady I had met earlier, it was still showing enough. Her dark blue corset with the reflections of green sparkled within it shone in the light.

“Ah, I see ye like me outfit. I made this one me self. Me thinks we have something similar that would fit you. Would ye care to try it on?”

Next thing I knew, I was in the dressing area and trying it on and looking in the mirror. I could barely recognize myself. It was like I was transformed into a lady. Something I had never wanted to try before. I saw myself in a whole new way and for once, I felt beautiful.

For years, I had been so sick in the hospital for what seemed forever, and since leaving there, I had seen the scars left behind. I didn’t want to look my best, no one cared to come and visit me. The nurses all had tried their best to encourage me to tell me that I was still a pretty girl and I had nothing to worry about. The guy I had dated dumped me once I became to sick to deal with. Not that it was my fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault really.

Here, no one knew who I was, no one knew I had been sick for years and lying in a hospital bed.

Here, I could feel all that slipping away piece by piece. I even eyed a blue and green hat that matched my hazel green eyes. I took my hair down from my ponytail, and the stress came off again. I tried the hat on and decided that would match well with the outfit I currently had on. The bodice wasn’t too tight and laced up in front with black string.

“Aye, ye look lovely. Me thinks this outfit was made for thee.” Her silver hair went into her pretty blue eyes and I couldn’t look away.

“That’ll be $300.00 please mi lady, that be a deal, take it from me. It’s more of a steal, really.”

Even though that seemed like a lot of money, I just couldn’t bear to take off the outfit and I kept my old clothing in the bag. I knew that shows like this were here to make money, but for some reason, I wanted to be a part of the show, part of the magic.

I paid the nice lady and walked out feeling more free than I had ever been. I then walked near a huge stage with acrobats dressed in matching outfits of red and dark black crooked stripes. They were very good and I clapped as loudly as I could. Then when others around me yelled “Huzzah!” I couldn’t help but chime in. It didn’t feel as weird as I thought it was going to be.

I then walked to a booth that had a necklace that seemed to be calling my name. The piece had an amethyst stone and silver wiring around it. It was only $40.00 so, I again took out my wallet and realized that I needed to keep some money for something to eat. I paid the nice man with the funny hat that looked like he was a wise wizard in a brown robe and a rope circling his waist. He just nodded to me and didn’t say a word.

I then found myself at a food booth and the smells of stew and in a bread bowl looked delicious. $5.00 later, I found myself feasting on this like it had been my last meal. I ate every bite and a few little ones gathered around me laughing and being silly with swords. I even saw a little girl dressed as a fairy. It was rather sweet and cute.

Feeling a little more bolder than I had been this morning, I went to the booth where they were serving champagne with strawberries. That looked lovely. I was of age, and that’s probably why they asked me to show ID at the front gate. Another $4.00 later, the drink sipped and I automatically was relaxed to watch another show, this time the MUD SHOW that I was looking forward to.

“Ye should sit up front.” one guy who was rather handsome with his sharp nose and dressed in a leather vest and white shirt. His blue and green kilt was draped around his knees.

“Marcus, should ye not warn the lady first that she might get her pretty dress ruined if she be sitting up front.” His friend sitting next to him looked handsome as well, dressed in another kilt but this time in green and blue. For what ever reason, it looked different than the first guy who spoke to me. His light blue eyes shone in the light against his light blue shirt that showed a little bit of chest hair.

“I think I’m going to listen to your advice, good sir.” I tried my best to slip in some of the strange language I had heard since I arrived this morning. “I be Candice, what be your name be?”

“Ah, the young lass wishes to know your name, should we be kind to move over to find out?” Marcus nudged his pal over closer to me. His blonde hair was long and in waves down his neck.

“I be Roderick of York, I be honored to meet your acquaintance mi lady. Mayhaps we can spend some time together at this show and then get another lovely drink? Or another show perhaps?”

“I’d be honored good sir, you seem like a nice guy.” I couldn’t help myself but flirt with this guy I didn’t even know. He didn’t know me at all, and yet, he wanted to talk to me, sit with me and I even felt his hand inching towards my hand. I let him grasp it in midst of watching this performer get dirty with mud in all kinds of areas that I didn’t even know existed.

I was laughing so hard, I could feel tears streaming down my face. Roderick was watching the show, but then I could sense him looking at me as well.
When the show ended, we all clapped and yelled “HUZZAH!”. Roderick stood up and gave me his hand to help me stand up. No one ever before had done that, not on any dates with the last guy I had dated either. Roderick was like no other guy I had met, and I felt special.

We then enjoyed more shows together and before I knew it, the end of the day had come to quickly. I cried and bowed to the Queen and felt more at home than I had been at my real home.

I finally belonged somewhere. Here in Faireville. Faire thee well.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.



Gia Volterra De Saulnier
The Writer’s Sanctuary Publication

Married, mom of 1 teenage boy, musician and performer of mostly jazz these days . I’m starting to query my novel!