I love living under a rock!

Okay, that’s not really true.

Belinda Peter
The Writers Thing
2 min readJun 27, 2016


Today, I had a list of 7 things to do I have vehemently scratched out 6, this rant against FOMO (for those of you amazing people out there who have nothing to do with the world of marketing, FOMO = fear of missing out) is the last thing to do. I was going to leave this one out and be proud of how productive I have been.


But then life has an amazing way of nudging you to do the things you should be doing – my father brought up Julie & Julia (the movie) and told me how she with her daily blogging reminded him of me. Also, loved ones who live in opposite timezones and schedule FaceTime calls deserve a shout out for being great motivators. So ya I’m going to get full marks on my to do list today.

Back to loving living under a rock:

I am wondering if the only alternative to FOMO is to live under a rock. It’s a thought that has been brewing for sometime now and though I can’t exactly trace its path I think it’s because I have come to believe I am living life on the pause button. A pause button that is dictated by a society full of people who believe there’s only one way to go through life.

And before you shirk responsibility because I blame it on society here’s who’s responsible for me living on a crazy impossible mode –

  • You, if you are trying to convince me that marriage is one of the big things that has to happen to me get my life started.
  • You, if you believe my resume with 6 different job descriptions in three years is too messy.
  • You, if you believe 29 is too late to do a second masters just for the sake of studying
  • You, if you believe I’m wasting my time trying to figure out my own life and I should settle down.
  • You, if you have any fixed notion about how any person other than you must live their life.

But the person most responsible is me! The part of me that time and time again believes the FOMO lies you tell me.

But that’s not the end of my story, the spoiler was in the title I don’t really love living under a rock!

The bigger part of me is driven by the fear of missing out on experiences I want for my life, things I want to do, awards I want to win, (I have after all been practicing my acceptance speech for a really long time), smells I am dying to taste and beaches I haven’t been to yet!

And when the cowardly part of me raises its ugly head I’m going to celebrate moments that are copyrighted to me. Right here.

