What’s on the agenda for 2016 – Part 1.

Belinda Peter
The Writers Thing
Published in
1 min readDec 29, 2015

It’s my sick day off. And the biggest (only?) perk of being sick is being able to watch stuff all day and the guilt is way less than usual.

Long winded way of saying I have figured out what I want for 2016 – I want to be Jerry Seinfeld.

No, I don’t want to be a comedian. I want to be Jerry Seinfeld. Let me explain – I’m completely okay if 2016 huffs and puffs and crashes the house of cards that are my plans. But there’s one thing I’m going to ask for let me Jerry Seinfeld!

I want to be doing something.

I want to be drinking a whole lot of coffee.

I want to be laughing.

Take my hands of the wheel clap or hit the table and throw my head down and LAUGH.

