Dear Writer, It Is Really Easy To Become a Top Writer

I laughed out loud, it was that easy

Ilis Trudie Palmer
The Writing Experiment


the image is the skull of some bovine or the other. It is hung on a wall as a trophy.
Photo by Artak Petrosyan on Unsplash

I really do not feel like being serious today. I think I went past my quota in my last Dear Writer, You Really dot dot dot story. In this piece, I just want to share a quick fun post on becoming a Top Writer on Medium.

We all know that most writers seek to achieve some Medium trophies — the chosen for further distribution (CfFD), the featured writer — when it was a thing, a Medium story that goes viral, Top Writer under a given tag or topic, and ultimately making top dollars.

So you have already mastered, the CfFD challenge, and now have your eyes on Top Writer. It is nice to see your profile amongst the list of topic greats on Medium, not so?

I mean, there are so many writing areas to choose from — just select one and write, write, write your life away and soon, you may just get a message from a friend congratulating you on being Top Writer — that is if you have not been feverishly monitoring a particular topic or tag on the daily!

That is the hard way

So what is the easy way? The easy way is more often than not the fun way anyway.

I came across this idea a time or two in my readings but it was an article by BichoDoMato that got me to really thinking…..why not try an experiment? Start posting under a fairly obscure tag and see what happens.

Bicho has so much great content that I could not find the exact piece. But it’s all to your gain. Read them all!

So I did. I started tagging my stories under the ONE LOVE tag and before the end of a week, I was Top Writer in One Love.

I laughed out loud. It was that easy!

I am now just waiting for Medium to realize it and update the About section of my profile.

So you wanna be top writer without the hard work and the wait and the competition? Do as Bicho suggested and as I did. Be a pioneer.

Hint, hint.

I. Trudie Palmer
One Love

After reading my story, BichoDoMato was so nice to send me the link for the article mentioned; it appears that he could not even find it himself. Great content. I admire his work.

I read some of the comments and am happy for the responses but please note that many parts of this piece are laced with mild sarcasm. It is all in fun.




Ilis Trudie Palmer
The Writing Experiment

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric. https://esotericgardenskn.com