Good Job, Medium


Ilis Trudie Palmer
The Writing Experiment
2 min readFeb 10, 2022


five star crackers lined up in a diagonal row; one side is baby pink and the other side is baby blue. The crackers themselves are yellow
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you are anything like me, you do not take too well to change. Any disruption from your daily ‘I do it this’ way irks you. I logged onto my Medium page a few hours ago and lo and behold, someone — Medium editors, dared to disrupt my day with this new look.

At first, I was confused. I usually get confused before things begin to make sense and over time I have learned to reduce the time between the furrowed brows to the ‘ah, why didn’t you say so!?’

In this case, the confusion lasted a while as I attempted to maneuver my way through this new interface.

Then it dawned on me, I rather like it! It looked good. The words appeared larger and brighter and I liked the longer descriptions under the stories. I am able to read a few sentences before I even click on the story. It helps me to decide faster on those pieces I wish to read and those I should pass on. This is really a time saver.

Other than more easily deciding what not to read, I also have to spend less time trying to get a story title that catches the eye. If I count up the length of time spent trying to get the perfect title, it will amount to more time than I actually spend writing the story itself. Someone, somewhere said that catchy titles result in more clicks. In my view, that is still up for debate.

So I am going to say thank you to Medium. I think they did a good job with this one.

If everyone agrees with me, it means that the world is coming to an end. Some may not like the new change, but I think with a little time and a large dose of appreciation, it will soon be seen as a positive one.



Ilis Trudie Palmer
The Writing Experiment

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric.