Submission Guidelines

We have no idea what we are doing. We still want to write about it.

GB Cooks
The Writing Experiment


We want to share what we have learned from our mistakes!


Welcome to The Writing Experiment!

Our goal is to share with you everything we know about writing. By the way, we know very little. But we are willing to keep experimenting. Hopefully, you’ll learn from our mistakes.

If you are interested, please, fill out this form.

  • When submitting a post, please, make sure to send a polished draft.
  • Limit the use of images to one per post, unless your piece requires more to make your point.
  • Limit self-promotion to one box link per post.

The idea is to not interrupt readers as they enjoy your writing.

Please, feel free to send comments and suggestions. We cannot wait to read what you have in mind.

Love, Gaby.



GB Cooks
The Writing Experiment

A gal who tries to manage her demons by learning how to cook and write. AKA Visit my tree