The Day of The Giant’s Death

Eduardo Pimazzoni
The Writing House
Published in
10 min readMar 3, 2018
“A black-and-white shot of a woman putting a finger over her lips in a gesture of silence” by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

# Disclaimer
This article is a personal opinion and does not reflect the actual and real interest of the mentioned companies. It was written to promote our privacy rights and to contribute to all efforts towards a FREE Internet we all deserve it.

The Point

Maybe you don’t know yet or haven’t realized that there’s a battle out there involving two sides: the digital world users who care about privacy fighting for a more secure and free Internet and the giants of the tech market. I personally started this movement since I realized how complicated is be under surveillance.

This situation has been on buzz and been discussed a lot in community forums and security blogs. You may be thinking differently, but it’s been on the air a lot these days starting with the Bitcoin context. Security and privacy are very famous words in the crypto valley. I decided to get on this road last year definitely with more focused when I was invited to be a speaker at a Workshop where I talked about the subject and its impact on mobile devices. We are all surrounded by methods and algorithms that track us and learn from our behavior every day be it when we turn on our devices or access the Internet. Companies like Facebook and Google are facing a challenge where users aware of this fact start realizing these companies are using their data to manipulate their profile and sell to marketing companies for an extra profit.

Most of us are standard users and have no idea or even has “nothing to hide” when this subject arises. We are just surfing the web, sharing the good vibes, our trips, friends we know and liking posts. Surveillance is an old land, and if we do not care about our rights towards privacy, we will start losing this battle and the way we control our integrity.

I decide to write an article describing a few experiences, including myself, of how far these companies and a few minor others are operating the case. Not bad feelings.

“Modern abstract sculpture of metal net structure against white background, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art” by William Bout on Unsplash

Last year I met the Blockchain technology which is already disturbing the future. It comes with transparency, a secure and reliable network where privacy is taken seriously and is performing very well out there with lots of start-ups and companies developing unique cases that will help, for instance, you sell your own data. We will all probably watch a movement towards this tendency pushing users like me and you to demand more respect from these companies when our privacy is exposed. The words privacy and surveillance have never been on top as before and is not an unusual thing. I used to like Facebook since they were launched but not anymore. I was there for more than 8 years, but when the “remove your account” button maneuver took me two stressed months to get off manually, I became to feel bad. I explain this process in my upcoming article. Google, on the other hand, is a cool and a great place to work. It changed the way we use our emails and is quite handy with several applications and products available but also hides a potential and terrific way to watch you behind your back.

The true point

These guys have more in common than you can imagine. They capture every click you do, every webpage you load, every like you do, every new friend you accept, every product you buy, every image you upload or click on it, and presumably, every movement you perform while navigating using their products or logged in on your Facebook account. Every step or action you play while using their solutions, it comes with a price. Your privacy has been violated. In silence even after you click on “terms and conditions may apply.” You agree, and then the magic gears (the algorithm) start collecting your behavior. It’s a real dirty way to do it, but it happens without your notice every single day. After all, money talks.

Let’s keep walking…

Photo by Al x on Unsplash

The Facts

What is Privacy and Security by the way…

This website explains the meanings behind these two words very well.
Basically, I like this affirmation most: Privacy is the idea; security is the thing. Based on this thought, “Privacy allows everyone else in the world to see your life through a selective lens of your choosing.” Well said Seb.
And security is what keeps us safe. It’s the tools who keep hackers away from you and the strong passwords you use avoiding be exposed for instance.

A collectible proof of breaches

I recently had access to what is perhaps the best analysis of the Facebook algorithm. It is so thick and scary at the same time because it clarifies all aspects of how this company is built. For just one purpose: use your data to make huge profits.

Following the opened trail, the company was accused of spamming 2FA phone-numbers as mentioned in the following article:

This kind of thing is definitely inappropriate and should not be acceptable at all. Later on, the CSO has confirmed be a bug.

In this interview, two experts tell us how privacy is compromised. Jennifer mainly is a computer scientist and explain how they get the advantage of all data we share online. I suggest you watch her TED presentation where I later had used to start the process of removing my account. The content of the interview is short and links to both TED presentations are there to follow.

From the Google side, knows what data has been collected from you:

Basically no chance to scape unless you stop using their services and products.

And here, a utility post explaining a few tools you can use to investigate and knows more about your “leaked” data.

You have now been watched

There’s no way to hide. If you are a potential user, the only way of being away from this pitfall is by removing your account and canceling its services. I know it is a huge thing to do, and it requires a great effort for many of us who use it for business and friend’s talk without forgetting that is a free service most times. If you care about your security and how much you are exposed, you can open the right door by switching off to encrypted services and products for instance or keep allocated in their cage. Period.

Fortunately, there are alternatives

Yes, we still have a light and several tools we can use it to shield up our mobile devices, and computers to protect them by installing applications as an alternative to the main ones so these hidden eyes can be minimized, but with the advantage of being kept secure with encryption and anonymous tools. Not a hundred percent free but I ensure you’ll be delighted. Does it cost anything? Yes, but compared to the price you lost when you have accepted their terms, it’s fair.

No real privacy and transparency

They tell you privacy and security compliances are their top priority concern with firm policies and clarity. Not true. Eric Schmidt, CEO from Google, when speaking once said that if you care about your files or data, you shouldn’t use these online tools. What do you think by now?
I’ve read reports and researched a lot these times trying to understand user cases, losses data and exposed threats caused by how we use their services. Believe me, it won’t imagine how deeply they can go to capture your behavior.

They do not tell you the real truth

To become an anonymous guy on the Internet isn’t an easy thing. You may say: I don’t care. In fact, I have nothing related to what you really feel. Be in mind, I was there too. When we agreed and accepted their terms and conditions, we believe and think that our privacy is kept secure and under control. I’ll mention a recent case I’ve just heard this week from a user who has got a few SPAM messages from Facebook. What? How come? The 2FA (Two-factor authentication) layer is used by many companies like Apple as a second level of armor to users who want more security when accessing this kind of service. When you set up this function, you are requested to share your cellular number so you can receive an SMS message with the pin code to enable it. Well, let’s cross the facts here, and you got the idea.
More details about this specific case below.

They control you and your identity

Once you are already there, you are who you say you are. Of course. Your character is now online and shared with your friends and a few others you may don’t even know including the giants. Stop and think for a moment. They built a vast ecosystem to embrace most of our desires while online. Facebook is buying and acquiring many companies we use on our daily basis and start developing more ways to be around you through all these Apps. WhatsApp and, Instagram are good ones to mention. I got tired of the Facebook interface. Cmon! That timeline sucks, the blue color is spread everywhere and the options to disable or change a field is not allowed or even available. Let me out!

Try to leave the platform, and you’ll feel like being in a maze. You would not scape easily

Sounds funny right? I tried all possible automatic scripts available to remove my posts, my headlines, likes, comments, etc… but without any luck at all. I gave up. Facebook changes the behavior of the service very often to avoid these tools to work correctly. I went manually. It didn’t work the way I liked. I ended removing it, even knowing my data is still somewhere in their datacenter.

Content must be decentralized not centralized

Steemit. This is the next Facebook. It’s not a considerable platform yet not even known compared to them, but it’s nice, clean, fast and user profitable. It’s built on top of the Blockchain technology, and the primary trigger is the user content you produce. Steemit has redefined social media by creating a living, breathing, and growing social economy — a community where users are rewarded for sharing their voice. It’s a new kind of attention economy.

They do not pay you for your content, but they make a massive amount of money using what you have created.

Use the following calculator tool to know how much money these companies take from you based on the data you post on their services:

I end with an Edward Snowden’s comment:

It’s not about what you have to hide or the privacy itself, but the POWER you delegate to these companies.

Protect yourself by accessing one of these tools & tips

Instantly get a list of all your accounts, matched with direct links to delete them.

DuckDuckGo Blog is a mandatory website to get knowledge about privacy and security on the web. Start with this article and explore the whole content. You won’t be the same web surfer again.

Just like Safari, IE, Chome and, Firefox but much more secure. Browse faster by blocking ads and trackers that violate your privacy and cost you time and money.

This is the one in the high castle. Completely anonymous and built with a real shield that NSA loves.

A considerable content about privacy. You’ll find tools, recommendations, URL test sites, lots of articles about the subject and so on. Take time to go through the entire website.

Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.

A respectable database containing several links to the most used services in the web with direct access to remove or delete them. A hand tool.



Eduardo Pimazzoni
The Writing House

Blockchain Researcher | Privacy Intelligence & OSINT Investigation | Energy Innovation