The Trends in Photography to Watch in 2024

Manik Roy
Writing Pool
Published in
5 min readDec 22, 2023


Image created by the author

The world of photography is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging and old favourites making comebacks. 2024 promises to be an exciting year for the visual arts, focusing on creativity, experimentation, and connection. Artificial intelligence is transforming photography, with editing tools like Luminar AI and Topaz Labs adding artistic flair and surreal touches with just a few clicks. Imagine adding starry night skies to cityscapes or turning your pet into a majestic lion. Get ready for photorealism that will bend your mind. Advanced technology and techniques are blurring the lines between reality and imagination, creating images so crisp and detailed they’ll have you questioning your eyes. The flatness of photos is becoming a thing of the past. 3D capture technologies are blossoming, letting you create immersive experiences that transport viewers right into the heart of the image. Imagine exploring a coral reef or scaling a mountain peak without ever leaving your living room. Retro vibes are hotter than ever! Vintage cameras, film photography, and nostalgic colour palettes are all making a comeback, adding a touch of warmth and charm to contemporary images. Think grainy black and white and sun-washed Kodachrome hues. Your phone is no longer just for selfies! Powerful smartphone cameras and intuitive editing apps are empowering everyone to become visual storytellers, capturing candid moments and everyday narratives with breathtaking ease.

High Drama: Bold, striking images that capture attention with vibrant colours, unusual angles, and dramatic lighting. Think cinematic landscapes, close-up textures, and unexpected juxtapositions.

Retro and Vintage: A nostalgic return to film photography, analogue processes, and vintage aesthetics. Expect grainy textures, faded colours, and timeless portraits.

Modern Minimalism: Clean lines, simple compositions, and uncluttered spaces. This trend emphasizes negative space and geometric shapes for a sleek and sophisticated look.

High Contrast: Bold use of light and shadow for dramatic effect. Black and white photography will make a strong comeback, alongside high-contrast colour palettes.

Experimental Techniques: Pushing the boundaries of traditional photography with double exposures, light painting, and in-camera manipulation. Expect to see surreal and abstract imagery.

Pattern-Focused: Celebrating the beauty of patterns in nature, architecture, and everyday objects. Tessellations, textures, and repeating motifs will take centre stage.

Golden Hour Lighting: Capturing the magic of the hour before sunset or after sunrise, with warm, soft light and long shadows. This timeless trend remains a favourite for portraits, landscapes, and street photography.

Faceless Stock: A shift towards more diverse and inclusive stock photography, featuring people without showing their faces. This allows for broader representation and avoids perpetuating stereotypes.

Rustic Backgrounds: Natural textures and weathered materials like wood, stone, and metal add a touch of authenticity and warmth to portraits and still-life photography.

Science Inspired: Microscopic views, futuristic technology, and the wonders of the natural world are fueling a fascination with science-inspired photography. Expect to see creative lighting and abstract compositions.

Silhouettes: The simple beauty of silhouettes against a dramatic backdrop is making a comeback. Look for creative use of negative space and interesting shapes.

Masks and Distance: The lingering effects of the pandemic are reflected in photographs featuring masks, social distancing, and a focus on personal space. These images capture a unique moment in history.

Solo Outdoors: With a renewed appreciation for nature and solitude, solo outdoor adventures are being documented through stunning landscapes, self-portraits, and contemplative moments.

Subtle Filters: Moving away from heavy-handed editing, photographers are opting for more subtle enhancements that preserve the natural beauty of the image.

Imagery with Art: Bridging the gap between photography and other visual arts, expect to see more creative collaborations and experimentation with mixed media.

Bird’s Eye View: Not just for drones anymore, photographers are finding new ways to capture the world from above, using ladders, rooftops, and creative angles.

Cinematic Inspiration: Movies and television shows are a major source of inspiration for photographers. Expect to see more dramatic lighting, dynamic angles, and storytelling elements incorporated into still photography, creating a cinematic feel.

Micro-Influencers: Forget celebrity endorsements! Brands are increasingly turning to micro-influencers with smaller but more engaged audiences for their marketing campaigns. Look for authentic and relatable photography showcasing products and experiences through the eyes of everyday people.

Drone Photography: The sky is no longer the limit! Drone photography is opening up new perspectives and showcasing the world from breathtaking angles. Expect to see stunning aerial shots of landscapes, cityscapes, and even intimate moments captured from above.

Hyperrealism: Technology is pushing the boundaries of realism, with AI-powered tools creating images that blur the line between photography and painting. Expect to see hyper-detailed textures, surreal lighting, and otherworldly compositions.

Immersive Experiences: Photography is no longer just about capturing a single moment. 360° photography, VR experiences, and interactive installations are creating immersive experiences that draw viewers into the scene.

We’ve embarked on a whirlwind tour of 2024’s hottest photography trends, from AI-powered wizardry to hyperrealism that will short-circuit your brain. But as the dust settles on these digital darkrooms, a common thread emerges a celebration of creativity in all its wondrous forms. No longer confined by the shackles of reality, photographers are wielding AI like a magic brush, conjuring otherworldly landscapes and transforming everyday objects into whimsical dreamscapes. Think cityscapes adorned with swirling Van Gogh-inspired brushstrokes or a child’s teddy bear reimagined as a majestic griffin soaring through a pastel sky. But amidst the digital dazzle, a yearning for authenticity persists. Vintage cameras and film photography are experiencing a renaissance, their soft focus and grainy textures whispering tales of nostalgia. We’re drawn to the raw, unfiltered beauty of candid moments captured on smartphones, snapshots that speak volumes about our everyday lives. And beyond the technical wizardry, a powerful human story unfolds. Photographers are turning their lenses towards underrepresented communities, capturing their unique narratives and celebrating the beauty in our differences. It’s a call for empathy, a reminder that even in a world saturated with pixels, the human connection remains our most captivating subject.

So, as 2024 unfolds, grab your camera, whatever it may be, and let your imagination run wild. Embrace the technological marvels, savour the nostalgic whispers, and above all, tell your own story. Remember, the most breathtaking trend of all is the one you create.



Manik Roy
Writing Pool

AI Writer | AI Photographer | AI Artist | Editor of Writing Pool