A Poem: Taking Chances

Dream to your heart's content

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish


Photo by m wrona on Unsplash

If it's a dream you're after

I dare you to take what God has sent

Six years ago, I dreamt of writing

But didn't know what it meant

Dream, dream to your heart's content

Find something in life that gives you meaning

Pray to God and take what HE has sent

Some dreams are not meant to be forgotten

Go after it with zeal

because you never know

if it is what God has sent

I read through my Substack newsletters and found a writer who wrote poems.

I don't write poems, but this one writer's poem moved me so much that I felt the need to write a poem.

I took a chance with writing and side hustles several years ago. I would never have reached this point in my online writing if I didn't take chances.

I wanted to pass this poem forward.

I titled it "Taking Chances."

Don't miss the Substack opportunity. Join the Substack platform. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter, listen to my podcast, network, and join me in writing online.

