Digital Writing

Can You Guess The 3 Types of Blogs People Like?

Here’s a hint: Solution!

Jerikho Jordan
Write, Edit, and Publish


A man curiously looks at a puzzle piece with the letter S. That puzzle piece is removed from the word ‘solution.’
Created on Canva by Jerikho Jordan

Worldwide internet users have increased to 4.95 billion earlier in 2022, with an average daily time spent of six hours and fifty-eight minutes.

According to OptinMonster, 77 percent of internet users read blogs. And the US internet users alone spend more time reading blogs than emails. Among these blog readers, many are looking for content to solve a problem.

Maybe you have no idea what to get for your friend’s baby shower. Or you’re contemplating whether or not you should get tickets for the new movie in the theatres.

Or maybe you wake up one day with green spots all over your body. So you check for the symptom online. Never self-diagnose online, by the way. Always meet a doctor!

Either way, the internet is where we’ll seek solutions to our problems first. That’s why these three types of blog posts are frequently searched and read.

1. How-to Guides

A how-to guide is an informational writing piece that walks you through a step-by-step process from beginning to end. It’s basically a writing version of a video tutorial.

With roughly 17 percent of those surveyed, the “how-to” headline is the third most popular. It shows how internet users worldwide find “how-to” content helpful.

Just take a look at the Google Trends chart below on how popular the “how-to” term is among global online searchers:

Screenshot of Google Trends graph on “how-to” search term. The graphs show that the value of the “how-to” search term is above average to highest.
Screenshot of Google Trends Graph

As you can see, the search term’s popularity ranges from the value of fifty to a hundred during the past year.

How-to guides cover various areas, including:

  • Food Preparations
  • Skills Improvement
  • Mental Wellness
  • Home DIYs
  • Workouts
  • Arts and Crafts

2. Reviews

Like many people these days, you’re most likely to check out online reviews before purchasing or subscribing to a product. In fact, 93 percent of consumers read online reviews first before buying.


Because it saves you time and money! You don’t need to invest in a writing tool that won’t fully accommodate your need. And you won’t have to spend two hours you’ll never get back from watching a poorly written movie.

You can write reviews about almost anything:

  • Restaurants
  • Technologies
  • Online Courses
  • Digital Tools
  • Cosmetics
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Music

But, of course, if you’re planning to focus on mainly writing reviews, you can’t write about any products randomly. For example — today, you review an online writing course, then suddenly write about a hair product brand in the next post.

If you check out some of the high-traffic review blogs, you’ll notice that they only focus on certain products. It’s because they know what their target readers seek online.

Take DigitalTrends, for instance, which primarily covers tech news and reviews.

Screenshot of DigitalTrends review list.
Screenshot by Jerikho Jordan

3. Listicles

36 percent of readers prefer list-based headlines. For example:

  • 25 Under $10 Christmas Gift Ideas
  • 5 Time-saving Digital Writing Tools
  • 10 Hysterical Dark Comedy Movies You Must Watch
Examples of listicles headlines on Google search results.
Screenshot by Jerikho Jordan

You get the idea, right?

Listicles are fantastic in many ways. For starters, it’s not time-consuming.

To many writers, it’s a knife through the heart knowing that 43 percent of readers skimmed through blog posts.


But let’s face it. Many people prefer getting their answers quickly without reading one paragraph after another.

According to a recent study, the average human attention span has shrunk to just eight seconds.


Even a goldfish retains attention by a second longer!

Besides that, listicles are helpful to narrow down what you’re looking for. You don’t have to go through the hassle of doing research and going through trials and errors.

Another reason many prefer reading lists is that our brains desire organization, even on a subconscious level. So listicles are more well-organized and digestible.

Final Thoughts

Of course, just knowing about these three kinds of content won’t increase traffic to your blog overnight.

There are many things you need to take into account. To begin with, what is the niche(s) you want to focus on for your blog to have a lasting impression? And is it suitable to write a review, guide, and listicle in that domain?

Also, just because these three types of content are highly searched online, you don’t have to write them for every post.

You can’t control how people read your posts, but you can change the structure of your writing to accommodate your target readers.

So do you often look for these kinds of blogs online? And if you’re a blogger, which of these three do you prefer to write?

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