Create a Newsletter Business on Substack

Substack is a writing opportunity to make money; write on Medium and Substack today

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish


Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

There are several reasons it’s easier to write on Medium than Substack. One reason is that writers get paid on Medium regardless of what topic they write about. They will eventually be paid for their views if they are part of the Medium Partner Program.

The problem is that Medium doesn’t pay writers well. For a select few, Medium is an income-generating business. However, over 90% of medium writers are paid little to no money for writing on the platform.

Here are reasons why it’s a good idea to start writing on Substack.

  1. You can build your audience through newsletters and emails.
  2. You can build a newsletter business through Substack and get paid by your subscribers.
  3. You can market and sell your digital products using Call To Action (CTA) in your articles.
  4. Additional tools include Podcasting, embedded video features, Notes, Chats, and a dedicated Website for your Substack account. In addition to Medium, you can build your writing portfolio on Substack.

5. It’s free; sign up and start writing on Substack.

My Substack — Teaching, Writing, and Side Hustles

Click on the image to go to my Substack account; credit: author

Medium is an excellent place to create your writing portfolio, but Substack has many more features than Medium. Here is the only downside to Substack.

You make money only if your subscribers pay to read your weekly newsletters.

Use Substack as a Marketing Portfolio

Use Substack to market your online writing business.

Release chapters of your book chapter by chapter to your paid and unpaid subscribers.

Substack’s biggest advantage over Medium is that there is no ceiling to the amount of money you can make on Substack, while Medium’s income may be limited due to its algorithm and ever-changing boost program.

Writing Portfolios

Instead of having only one writing portfolio with Medium, writing on Substack gives you a second writing portfolio with the opportunity to make more money through a newsletter business.

Write on Substack and have two writing portfolios: Medium and Substack.

Join the Substack platform. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter, listen to my podcast, network, and join me in writing online.

