Here Are Some Interesting Statistics on Self-Help Books

Do you plan to write a self — help book and be part of the growing industry

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish
3 min readJun 13, 2023


Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

I was curious to know the numbers behind self — help books. Fasten your seatbelts. The numbers look impressive. Self-help book titles tripled from 2013–2019 (McLoughlin 2022). In 2020, the industry was worth $10.5 billion, one of the fastest-growing non-fiction categories. The self — help book industry is predicted to grow to $14 billion by 2025. (McLoughlin 2022).

There was one area that surprised me. Cooking was an area that was a topic mentioned in the self — help category.

This area interests me because my twin brother and I used to create, cook, and write recipes as youths. We wrote and collected them. I always wanted to write something of value. I’ve written six mathematics workbooks on Amazon, but cookbooks and cooking would have a much wider audience.

Imagine if you had 0.1% of $10 billion. That’s the kind of money that would set someone up for life. Currently, I have math workbooks in a targeted niche. It won’t get me rich. The exciting part of my math workbooks is that I’ve averaged $30 monthly in sales with no marketing cost. I talk about them on Medium and showcase them on my Instagram account, but that’s it.

