Here Is Why Not Many People Make Money as A Writer

I don’t make significant money as a writer

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish


Photo by Emilio Takas on Unsplash

If you are writing as a blogger, the demand for reading your writing is low or non-existent.

If there is a demand for your writing, you will get paid. I’m content writing on NewsBreak, making $40 in one month and $500 in the next month.

There are people who read about public policy and politics in my area, so as long as NB keeps publishing and pushing my stories, I’ll get paid.

The reason I don’t get paid on Medium is twofold. No one wants to read the musings of a high school teacher, and if there was such a demand, I’m not sure Medium would pay me for all the reads.

Medium has every right to limit views on my article because it’s their company. They put up all the cost and take all the risk.

It’s all about supply and demand.

Let’s take being a math teacher in my district as an example.

The reason my district pays well to be a math teacher in my district is no one wants to be a high school mathematics teacher. Teaching is more than mathematics.

You have to deal with student behavior, district mandates, parent complaints, low test scores, and other issues. The list is a lot longer, but you get the idea.

No one wants to put themselves through the mess even though we have every holiday and student vacation you can imagine. The district pays teachers better than other jobs in my district because it’s in high demand.

Now, let’s compare it to writing. Almost everyone writes online. There is probably a niche for copywriting. Some may be able to get a copywriting job with a firm, but few jobs require the type of writing I write about on Medium, Substack, or NB.

Many are great writers on Medium, but they don’t make money not because of their writing. There is no demand to read articles on Medium.

If you picked the job of climbing airport towers to change the light bulbs on the towers, you would make a lot of money climbing the tower.

It’s always been about supply and demand. The demand for reading articles on Medium is not enough to support the type of pay writers want and demand. No boost or the next boost program 2.0 will ever make every Medium writer happy.

I revisited the reason I write online.

  1. I like the therapeutic part of writing. It’s my outlet for teaching.
  2. I’m content on earning an average of $150 – $200 monthly on NewsBreak. It feeds my writing ego. I’m okay with my writing numbers.


Revisit the reason you write online. If it’s to make significant money online, you have your work cut out for you.

If you have another source of income from a job and writing is a hobby, you are in the right mindset.

I know I’m not going to make millions as a writer. If I continue to write 15 articles a month on NB, I will make $200 monthly, and I’m definitely okay with that.

What’s the reason you are writing online?

Don Sabado

