Freelance writing | Magazine

How I Went Zero for June, July, and August with Pitching Stories to Magazine Editors

But I did some homework this time

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish
2 min readSep 26, 2022


Image by Michael Zimmermann from Pixabay

After going zero for June, July, and August, I started pitching proposals again to magazines, publications, and any organization willing to pay for my writing.

However, this time, I did a little homework on how to write query letters to editors. I’m finally taking the time to plan, write, and send my proposal using methods used by many freelance writers.

If you haven’t read the newsletter from Writers Weekly, click on the link below. Writing my query letter to pitch to several magazine editors will take longer than writing my Medium articles. I read some magazine articles that pay writers as high as $5000.

I did the math. I earn, on average, about $20 per month on Medium. Landing a $5000 writing gig is a long shot for a new writer like myself, but it’s worth a try. Divide $20 into $5000; that comes to 250 months. It would take me 250 months or about 20 years to reach that as a Medium writer.

Freelance writing for other publications will require much more work, but the probability of earning a significant income is greater on other platforms than on Medium.

I had a goal to replace my teaching income, but that has changed. Supplementing my teaching income is the better option for me.

Final Thoughts

I downloaded an ebook for $9.95 that shows me how to write letters to pitch to editors in different publications.

Here is the link to Writers Weekly. I hope it helps you as it is helping me.

Thank you for reading my article.

Don Sabado

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