How Writing Helps with Teaching Day to Day

Being a Teacher is What Motivates Me to Write

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Created by Don Sabado in Canva

When I started writing every day in mid-November 2021, I didn’t think it was sustainable. I read about the thirty-day challenge and thought it would be nice to try. After thirty days, I kept going because I liked it, but I remember fatigue set in on my sixtieth day. I was writing from 8 pm — 12 midnight because it was the only time I could write.

After a hard day of teaching, I wanted to relax and do nothing. But then I realized my reason for writing. At the top of my list, I didn’t want to retire from teaching old and broke. The second on my list was I wanted to find out if I could make it as a writer.

I continued writing and publishing almost every day because I felt strongly about my “why to write.”

I want to share with you two of my most recent stories.

Fiction Short Story

Teacher Story

