Medium Publication

Call For Submissions-Time To Write The Next Article

4/23/2024 — Updated Guidelines

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish
2 min readJun 23, 2022


I started the Medium Partner Program on December 29, 2021; for the next six months, I have been writing 5–7 articles per week. I started a Medium publication, “Time To Write The Next Article,” in March 2022.

Thank you for the 24 followers currently following my publication. I wanted to provide an update on the publication guidelines.

I started writing about teacher stories and wanted to create a publication to publish my articles, but I soon realized teacher stories did not produce a lot of readers. Since then, I have written more stories about writing and anything to do with the writing process.

I have recently written about my travel experiences during the summer. I wanted to update my publication guidelines. Because of these changes, here are the updated guidelines.

Articles accepted

  • Articles about writing or ways to make money online
  • Anything to do with the writing process
  • Articles to do with travel experiences
  • Teacher stories
Update Guidelines1. Write the Title for each article…

