Why Writing Using Notion Helps Me To Not Waste Time

I would rather write than do schoolwork at home

Don Sabado
Write, Edit, and Publish


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Last night was one of the few times I had to write lessons and work after contract hours. I was sitting in my car in a parking lot when I realized I could use Notion to write my assignments.

In less than an hour, while waiting at a restaurant for dinner, I completed my probability/statistics class lessons without waiting until I reached home to my work desk.

Time is the most important commodity we have. I completed my lessons without wasting time at home.

Why do I spend little time working from home as a teacher?

The union told teachers yesterday, “we don’t know when you will get your raises.”

The raise is a lump sum of $26,000 to about 3/4 of the union members.

The state said, “wait. We didn’t say when we would give the raise.” As it turns out, the union is still negotiating with the state.”

There were a lot of upset teachers during the meeting because the union said it was definitive during the summer.

Will we get a raise?

I’m not holding my breath. One rule I learned is, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

Final Thoughts

Using Notion on my phone during off-peak times during the day saved me time. It helps me to unwind, relax, and do other things at home.

It also means I don’t have to worry about spending time at home on schoolwork and focusing my time on writing.

Don Sabado

Follow me on my other platforms on Linktree.

