Why Did I Start ‘The Writing Times’ Publication (Join Us)

The Writing Times
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2024


‘The Writing Times’ Publication Logo by Doom

Never thought that I would be able to open my own publication on Medium, I always believed that it was something only the users with the most followers could do!

Named it The Writing Times because I want to treat it like a newspaper, but fully digital, a place where you can read while you’re on the bus or subway, or just at home, relaxing after a day of hard work.

A place where people get together to write, comment, research, and think in peace!

Would love to be able to cover multiple topics, the more important ones will be:

1. News (Usually some of international importance, but may include US politics as well because it affects the world’s economy)

2. Money & Finance (Freelancing, Monetization, Side hustles, just stuff like this)

3. Health & Fitness (Talking about how to improve your health and keep yourself safe from diseases. Also gym plans and other fitness-related goodies depending on your needs!)



The Writing Times

Writing about anything interesting that might help you! Founder of The Writing Times Publication!