Chloe at Six Weeks

Lorah-Kelly Beard
Mother Duck
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018

The last two weeks has been all about this girl’s smile! At first it was just a bit of wind…but then we noticed a smile in response to us chatting with you, and then you smiled at your toys, and random objects on the wall. Then we just had to smile at you to see your glorious little grin right back at us 😀 Now we patiently await that first little giggle ❤️

Emily has been super excited this week, to introduce Chloe to the many toys that are waiting for her to play with! Although still much too little to actually play with any of them, she has loved hearing the sounds they make and watching them as we dangle them in front of her face 😆 (or in Emily’s case, attach them to her arms and legs or generally just surround her until she is nearly buried in a colourful mess) Here she is with her favourite toy, the little green T-Rex that dangles from her chair and makes a rattle-y sound.

We’re starting to notice a little more awareness of her arms and legs — particularly her hands. I just love the way her arms and legs get going when she is excited — running on the spot! This is particularly fun in the bath 💦 She tries really hard to get her hand in her mouth and we are trying to work out whether she is accidentally hitting toys above her or if she is actually trying…

Her neck is getting so much stronger and she can stay in a sitting up position with her head up and back straight. Tummy time is still short lived but she is getting more comfortable lifting her head a little and looking around. She mostly just wants to either eat her hands or nuzzle the floor.

We’re starting to find a little more routine in our lives. She is still sleeping really well, most nights sleeping through from about 11–6ish. We know she likes to sleep all morning, giving us time to eat breakfast and get ourselves ready for the day without too much disruption! And she does most of her ‘playing’ after Emily goes to bed so she can have all mummy and daddy’s attention. Of course, if Emily is about during the day, she has no choice but to play with her big sister 😆 And thankfully, they both sleep at the same time in the afternoon, giving me a lovely break and chance to drink a *hot* cup of tea 😉 #blessed

