10 Reasons why WOMEN No Longer Want To Get MARRIED

Jim Marvelous 🕵️
The Wrte Stuff
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Marriage rates have decreased over time as fewer women express an interest in marrying.

Men will not marry themselves if the women refuse to marry.

As a result, fewer marriage rituals are taking place now than in the past.

Most women's goals no longer include getting married, having children, and starting a family.

Now, things have changed.

Expectations have evolved, and more women consider marriage superfluous.

Without further ado, let's get to why women no longer desire to marry.

1. They concentrate more on their professions.

Photo by SHAYAN Rostami on Unsplash

Women nowadays desire to be independent and strong, which leads to a greater emphasis on their careers.

Long-term committed partnerships, such as marriages, may need a lot of time and effort.

In their pursuit of financial independence, some women are unwilling to split their time and energy between work and relationships.

While being married and having a profession aren't necessarily mutually incompatible, some women choose work above marriage.

Women were taught a long time ago that marriage was a trophy and a spouse was the ultimate reward.

It was as if they were prevented from pursuing a job.

To disprove that idea, several women now prioritize their jobs above marriage.

2. They have had negative relationships and experiences in the past.

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

One of the reasons women no longer desire to marry is because they have had negative experiences with previous relationships and marriages.

It makes no difference whether a relationship is excellent or poor; it always demands hard effort.

Some women who have been in long-term relationships believe that marriage is a waste of time.

To be honest, if you struggle to sustain a good love relationship, the prospect of marriage might be terrifying.

Then there are other ladies who do not want to marry because they have watched too many unsuccessful marriages.

3. They are afraid of getting it wrong again.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

This group of ladies has been married previously, and their marriages failed.

They no longer want to marry because they do not want to make the same mistakes.

Their hesitation to marry again may be attributed to a variety of circumstances, including a refusal to be vulnerable to their partner in a new relationship, baggage from their previous marriage that they do not want to transfer to someone else, and conflicts with ex-partners and, perhaps, co-parenting.

After going through the pain and stress of being in, out of, and recovering from a broken marriage, you won't blame them if they don't want you to bring it up again.

4. They believe marriage is a patriarchal institution.

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

One of the reasons women no longer desire to marry is because they see it as a patriarchal institution.

And they're not far off the mark.

Marriage has a deep historical connection to heteropatriarchy.

Women are seen as property of their families or fathers, to be handed over to males in return for prestige, alliances, and wealth.

When women marry, they are no longer their fathers' property, but their husbands'.

To this day, certain marital traditions continue to reflect these tendencies.

You'll observe that even contemporary weddings have patriarchal overtones, such as marital rituals being used as a measure of women's success, a wife adopting her husband's surname, and the father giving the lady away during marriage ceremonies.

Seeing all of this happen will make marriage less enticing to some women, leading them to conclude they do not want to marry.

5. They have financial motivations.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Some women no longer want to marry for financial reasons.

Weddings, like divorces, are quite costly.

Some women say they are not willing to take the enormous financial risk of getting married.

In certain circumstances, women are not comfortable linking their finances to those of another individual.

They reach this conclusion after considering tax, credit, and other financial problems.

When the issue of marriage comes up, most women think about these and other financial considerations.

6. High divorce rates

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Women no longer desire to marry due to the high divorce rate in their communities.

Some ladies may claim, "Married individuals are hurrying to get out. Why am I hurrying to go in?"

Why don't you want to marry, sister?

No two marriages are identical.

The fact that theirs has packed up does not guarantee that yours will as well.

However, with the rise in divorce rates, some women just want to live and enjoy their…..Click here to continue reading on Medium



Jim Marvelous 🕵️
The Wrte Stuff

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