My Breakthrough Moment

The Wrte Stuff
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2023


The “aha” moment

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

Welcome to the next phase of our therapeutic adventure. In today’s blog, I want to recount a profoundly personal and transformative experience — a breakthrough moment that has enhanced my healing journey. It serves as a profound reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always the potential for light to emerge.

The Journey Begins:

Every therapeutic journey has a unique and tangled path. My current journey into therapy began when I couldn’t look myself in the mirror, as I have mentioned in previous posts. I realized I was carrying the burden of many unresolved emotions and issues hidden deep inside the caverns of my mind.

I was also in a struggling relationship because I refused to recognize how my problems impacted everything I touched. After all, I was satisfied with myself. So, if I’m happy, why shouldn’t everyone else be?

It was scary to face reality, but with my excellent therapist’s help, I began to face those hidden emotions and problems and created a strategy to rewrite my story.

Facing the Shadows:

Confronting the shadows that lurk in the corners of our minds is one of the most difficult aspects of therapy. My “aha” moment occurred months after I began therapy. I was speaking with a very close friend who was…



The Wrte Stuff

Just a regular guy that is trying to navigate life.