The Scars

"Let not scars stay, nor the ache prolong, happiness is yours, don’t let it be gone."

Scribella Savory
The Wrte Stuff
3 min readDec 4, 2023


Photo by Réka Romány on Unsplash

Every individual carries their own unique scars. Some may find themselves smiling today, while others are still grappling with the arduous task of healing their wounds. Speaking about emotional scars transcends the boundaries of age; it's about finding the right person to confide in.

Discussing trauma isn’t about its duration but rather the courage to express and soothe one’s soul. Once again, it’s not the length of time that defines the depth of trauma but rather the courage to unveil and soothe the soul.

If the load seems too heavy, and no one seems to want to listen, it doesn’t mean no one is there for you. There may be someone anxiously waiting to hear your voice.

"Sometimes, in the quietest moments, our words resonate the loudest."

If reaching out physically feels insurmountable at this moment, grasp them through your writing. Even without a name, pour out all your pain and grievances onto paper, for one day, your words will find their way to those destined for you.

“Your words have the power to travel beyond time and space, connecting with those who need them the most."

As the poet Rumi once said, "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."

So, wield your pen. It's alright in the middle of cascading tears or amidst the downpour of rain. Keep moving your pen, even as anger tightens its grip. Let it strike alongside the whispers of a dry wind, making you drowsy yet ever vigilant.

For, eventually, your words won't just be a balm for yourself but a remedy for numerous others carrying similar burdens. Your writings will bloom in the middle of a garden of healing.

"The beauty of healing lies not in the absence of scars, but in the stories they narrate and the strength they signify."

Every scar tells a story of survival, resilience, and eventual triumph. They're not marks of weakness but testaments to the battles fought and overcome.

As you navigate through the journey of healing, remember, your scars aren't flaws to be hidden but badges of courage to be embraced.

Accepting your scars means accepting the story behind each brand. It is not about erasing the past but nurturing the energy within us. Embrace your scars, for they are the echoes of your strength.

Let your words flow like a soothing melody, traversing hearts and healing souls. Writing becomes a way to bridge the gap between isolation and relationship, so that your pain can be a beacon of hope for others. Healing for others, turning your scars into a tapestry of resilience and empowerment.

“Let not scars stay, nor the ache prolong, happiness is yours, don’t let it be gone."

"As scars fade, your heart’s made new,
Your path ahead, a healing brew."

If you savor my prose, find wisdom in its prose, please don’t refrain, let our connection compose. Share, follow, and read, for our journey’s sweet dose. Subscribe via email, where our essence truly shows. And should you find a moment, on my IG @savoryscrolls, disclose. Gratitude immense, beyond the eye can see. A 'thank you' that stretches ... to infinity."



Scribella Savory
The Wrte Stuff

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on