Write, Strive, Thrive, Alive

Scribella Savory
The Wrte Stuff
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023

A path to purpose and resilience

Photo by Anna Zakharova on Unsplash

Writing is a diverse endeavor that draws individuals for various reasons. It could be driven by academic pursuits, a quest for intellectual fulfillment, a desire to leave a digital legacy, aspirations to share inspiration, or simply to earn a living.

Each motive doesn’t overshadow the others; someone who writes for intellectual reasons or to share inspiration isn’t inherently more noble than someone motivated by financial gain. The key is whether writing serves to benefit others' lives or bring about positive change.

For those striving to make a livelihood through writing, keep at it. Persist in your craft, knowing that your work could fill the bellies of your children, support your spouse, aid your siblings, or provide for your parents.

Keep creating until your life becomes bettered through your own creations. Continue to craft, even if you must currently work for someone else, sacrificing sleep or leisure time. Keep writing, keep learning to market your words until they are worthy of high regard, even if it means typing away on a cracked screen of an old phone.

It's definitely not an easy journey, but don't give up. When you feel close to surrender, glance at your children, siblings, or parents—those who currently need your perseverance and patience.

Transform your moments of struggle and tears into reminders for the future, a testament to the times you surpassed hardships on your path to success, ensuring you remain humble.

Success isn't solely measured by financial gain or intellectual satisfaction; it's also about impacting others positively. Your perseverance in writing might inspire someone else to pursue their dreams or find solace in your words during their tough times.

Embrace these challenges as stepping stones, propelling you toward a future where your struggles become the foundation of your success story. Let your hardships shape your resilience and empathy.

So, keep writing, for in each keystroke resides the potential to create a ripple effect of positivity and change. Embrace your journey as a writer, for it's not just about the destination; it's about the profound impact your words can have on the lives of others, shaping a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

If you savor my prose, find wisdom in its prose, please don’t refrain, let our connection compose. Share, follow, and read, for our journey’s sweet dose. Subscribe via email, where our essence truly shows. And should you find a moment, on my IG @savoryscrolls, disclose. Gratitude immense, beyond the eye can see. A 'thank you' that stretches ... to infinity.



Scribella Savory
The Wrte Stuff

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on www.savorywrites.blogspot.com