A Plea for Liberation

Women's Voices Now
The WVoice
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2018

To be black, female, and strong. How is it possible in a world that edges her toward self-destruction instead of empowerment?

BY: Nyar Afrika

Photo courtesy of Nyar Afrika.

She is a black woman.

All fierce and strong.

Defying all odds.

Going against society’s set norms.

Breaking the stereotypes.

Doing away with the false beliefs that surround her.

She is being a queen.

She is being her own goddess.

She is helping herself grow.

She is proving that there is more to her than just the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype.

She is setting a legacy.

She is re-writing history.

She is being a heroine.

A figure to look up to.

A force to be reckoned with.

A mother figure.

A respectable woman.

A source of inspiration for our young girls.

And yes, our young boys too.

She is teaching the little ones what type of behaviour to expect, from a woman, a black woman.

She is more than just her name, adhimabo, leleti, chidinma, wanjiku, asha, naliaka,

She is the stars, the moon, the astral bodies, the entire universe.

She is a daughter to the moon,

A sister to the sun,

A friend to the planets,

A companion to the stars.

Beauty, brains and stamina,

She always has it all.

But society, this society, brainwashes her into thinking her light skinned sisters have it all.

Is that the reason why she is actually bleaching her skin?

Hating on her kind?

Going for the weaves? And wigs too?

Not wanting to go natural?

Is that the reason why she always wants to look, act and sound ‘white’?

‘it is posh,’ she always says,

in between a nervous laughter and awkward conversation with her white friends.

Someone please help me.

Please help me remind the black woman of her worth.

Please tell her that she is a queen.

An empress.

Tell her that her daughters will grow up to be queens too.

And bring about change in the black community.

Someone save the black woman for me.

Save her from her own self harm,

Her own self destruction.

Save her before it’s too late.

Before the damage caused becomes irreparable.

Save her please.

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Women's Voices Now
The WVoice

Women's Voices Now is a non-profit organization that uses the medium of film to advocate for global women's rights. We move audiences from empathy to action.