Onyi: The Path to Finding Me

Women's Voices Now
The WVoice
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2019

An empathy-to-action film campaign calling upon us to practice self love, even with all of our faults and flaws. We are beautiful just the way we are.

BY: Tamara Sims, Elissa Fong, and Brigette Barrales


The media often portrays unrealistic standards that damage self-esteem and confidence of those who do not meet “ideal” beauty standards. This film focuses on Onyi, who, despite the pressures of society, is unapologetically herself.

CREATED BY: Tamara Sims (15), Elissa Fong (16), Brigette Barrales (17)


Pre-Film Reflection Questions:

  • How do you express yourself?
  • Have you ever felt the pressure to conform to society’s idea that we all have to have a certain “look” ?
  • Have you ever been hesitant to embrace and express your culture?
  • What are some things that you can do to express your individuality?
  • Do you think that how you view yourself is different from how you really are?
  • What gives you, or would give you, strength to be unapologetically you, everyday?

Post-film Discussion Questions:

  • Are there aspects of your identity you would like to express more?
  • When you have negative thoughts about yourself, do you have some tools or friends that you call upon to get back on track?
  • Where do you receive the most pressure to conform? At school? At home? At any other places where you are social?
  • What words of advice from Onyi will you keep with you?

1. SHARE THIS FILM: Copy/paste below

On Twitter and Facebook

#Onyithepathtofindingme on #selfexpression WATCH a short doc by #femaleyouth about Onyi, #unapologetic and #empowered. #Loveyourself #bebold #womensvoicesnow #bethechange #empathytoaction @WomensVoicesNow #selflove https://bit.ly/2km0uoz

On Instagram

#Onyithepathtofindingme on #selfexpression. WATCH a short doc by #femaleyouth about Onyi, #unapologetic and #empowered. #Loveyourself, #bebold #womensvoicesnow #bethechange #empathytoaction @Womens_Voices_Now #selflove #individuality https://bit.ly/2km0uoz

2. HOST A SCREENING of this film using this screening guide.

3. LOOK IN THE MIRROR then write down three positive affirmations to start your day! Put them on a piece of paper or post-it, and stick it to your mirror.

4. WEAR CLOTHES THAT YOU LOVE but have been afraid to wear.

5. COMPLIMENT YOUR FRIENDS! They may also be struggling to love themselves.

6. ASK a few trusted people in your life to write a letter of encouragement to you so have you them to look back on later.

7. SUPPORT BRANDS that celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and body positivity: #AerieREAL, ASOS, Dove, Barbie

BRANDS that are working to defy mainstream beauty standards and promote more realistic and inclusive campaigns

Aerie — Support the #AerieREAL campaign which strives to promote body positivity by casting models with illnesses, disabilities, varying body types and different racial backgrounds. They show that lingerie is for everyone.


Barbie- Barbie recently launched their new line of Barbie Fashionista Dolls which features dolls with various disabilities, body types, hair styles, and skin tones. Barbie is striving to diversify its line of dolls so that it more accurately represents the children who play with the dolls.


Dove- Dove started their real beauty campaign and started their self-esteem project in 2004. Through these campaigns, they strive to help young people overcome body image issues, seek out healthy friendships, and to be their best selves.



Self Love:

“Just Love Yourself: 5 Must-Know Self Love Techniques”- Talks about Positive Affirmations and staying healthy.

“Empowering You to Know Your Worth in Love and Life”- Focuses on healthy relationships, how to overcome insecurities and self consciousness, coping with anxiety and depression, as well as gaining confidence.

“30 ways to practice self love and be good to yourself”- lists 30 ways you can begin your self love journey

This film was made in the Girls’ Voices Now (GVN) summer youth program, hosted by Women’s Voices Now (WVN). WVN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, that promotes, produces, and shares social-change films that move audiences from empathy to action on women’s and girls’ rights issues, bridging the gap between filmmakers and agents of social change. GVN amplifies the voices of young women from underrepresented communities in Los Angeles by teaching documentary filmmaking. Over the course of five weeks, students learn how to create their own short documentary and how to use the medium of film to affect positive social-change in their communities.

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Women's Voices Now
The WVoice

Women's Voices Now is a non-profit organization that uses the medium of film to advocate for global women's rights. We move audiences from empathy to action.