Undefined Beauty

Women's Voices Now
The WVoice
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

Society’s unrealistic beauty standards and the journey toward self-love.

BY: Charlene Tolentino, Kenia Mayen, Nataly Xante, Sadie Cowing

The media and companies are known to perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards. As we recognize more misconceptions about unrealistic beauty standards, we explore the stories of four girls and how this standard of beauty negatively impacts their self image. As these girls attempt to accept their insecurities, they embark upon a journey of learning to love themselves in a healthy manner. Simultaneously, they begin to realize how many people share their struggle with self esteem, and attempt to diversify what is known as beauty.


  • What is perceived as beautiful?
  • How is “beauty” marketed?
  • How do beauty norms impact young girls’ self esteem?
  • How do beauty norms impact your own self esteem?
  • Where do these beauty standards originate?
  • Are there moments where you held negative perceptions about your self image?


  • How can we pressure companies to change their marketing?
  • What is your self care routine?
  • In what ways do we contribute to unrealistic beauty standards?
  • In what ways do we contribute to shifting unrealistic beauty standards?
  • How can you try to love yourself?


  • @theloveandfoundation
  • @fentybeauty
  • @fashionista_com


  • Reevaluate lifestyle choices
  • Realize how inclusive and misrepresented girls are in the media
  • Acknowledge conflicted feelings with self image
  • See more diversity in beauty standards
  • Attempt to separate self image from outdated beauty norms
  • Text a friend and remind them of their self worth

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Women's Voices Now
The WVoice

Women's Voices Now is a non-profit organization that uses the medium of film to advocate for global women's rights. We move audiences from empathy to action.