What does XPLANE do?

Dave Gray
3 min readOct 28, 2015

A good strategy is huge. Vitally important.

But a good strategy is only the first part of the equation. To be successful an organization must translate that strategy into an organization design, along with a specific set of priorities and actions that will give that strategy the best possible chance for success.

To bring that strategy from a good idea to to a real, living, fact of life in the world.

XPLANE is a strategy activation firm. We focus on bringing your strategies to life through the power of design.

Design, you say? Isn’t design about creating innovative new products and services? Yes, sometimes, but not always. Steve Jobs famously said, “Design is how it works.”

Designing the path to strategy implementation means designing how it works. That means designing how the organization works; how the leaders work; how the people work; how the processes and systems work; how the incentives work.

Most importantly, it means designing how all of these things work together.

We do this by bringing together the people who are responsible for executing the strategy and taking them through a collaborative, visual, creative design process to discover the opportunities, design the approaches, and deliver the results that the strategy is asking for.

Step back to see the big picture.

Create a clear vision.

Create the blueprint for success.

Clearly communicate the vision and strategy.

Keep processes consistent without slowing things down.

Engage the workforce.

Improve and accelerate learning.

Bring the strategy to life.

More about XPLANE.

