I Mark “Interested” for Facebook Events, and While I Never Go, I Need You To Know How Genuinely Interested I Am.

Sammy Grob
The Yale Herald
3 min readOct 1, 2018


Sammy Grob, MC ’20

Hey! I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to the screening of My Neighbor Totoro that you invited me to; I know you were really excited about it. I just really needed that time to work (you know how it goes, haha). However, if you look at my response to the Facebook event, I DID select “Interested.” Just so you know, I am very interested in this sort of thing! Later that night, I watched a few of Miyazaki’s films to get a sense of the canon. Great stuff! Thanks again for the invite! DEFINITELY lmk next time.

Dude! Agh! I totally didn’t make it to the Branford College Tea with Dr. Aisha Willimon. I didn’t go, but I marked “Interested” on the event, which is totally real. I mean, her groundbreaking work in behavioral economics has high-key been such an inspiration for my academic trajectory. I actually emailed her and we got coffee the day after, and I know this is insane, but I’m in the first round of interviews to intern with her second semester! Wild, right??? It’ll be a pretty big commitment (something like 7–10 hours a week I think?), but totally worth it. Bummer I missed the event (I was having a craving for BUBBLE tea), but who knew following your interests could be so clutch???

Omg, I was getting some extra reps in at the gym last night and remembered: I missed your WafflePuffs Recruitment Jam! Aghhh, I’m sorry. How was it??? If you check, I did mark “Interested” on the event page, and just to be clear, that decision was based in truth, as I am extremely interested in a cappella. How do people make music with their mouths? I actually did some digging around in Beinecke, and did you know that they have medieval scores of Gregorian chants (some might call it the *OG* a cappella) dating back to the 1300s? I was listening to your past albums on repeat as preparation for the concert too, even tried arranging a few of my favorite songs to see what the *process* is like. At this point, I see no other proper fulfillment for my interest than to rush a cappella this Fall! It just seems like the logical thing to do. And all thanks to the WafflePuffs! Thanks again for inviting me, my interest has been PEAKED!

Happy (belated) birthday!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ You’re honestly one of my best friends and I’m so proud of who you’ve become this past year. What a shining star :) I know I didn’t make it to the actual party, but marking “Interested” on Facebook was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It was like I could finally express how enthralled, fascinated, and genuinely interested I am in you as a person. I just wanted to let the world know! It’s almost like because I wasn’t there, I feel like you really get it now. Phew! Feels good to get that off my chest.

