Yale Clubs to Start Rejecting Class of 2024

Addison Beer
The Yale Herald
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2019
Illustration by Paige Davis

Shopping period is over, classes are set, and students are finding their footing on Yale’s campus for the first — or last — time. With the start of the new semester, student groups are bustling with activity. Many student groups receive a wide range of applications, forcing group members to read and evaluate each and every one. Because of this arduous application process, many clubs are trying to get a jumpstart on next year’s pool of applicants. To do this, clubs are preemptively rejecting class of 2024 students. I spoke with a member of Y Pop-Up, an undergraduate-run pop-up dining experience, who said, “The space we work in is just incredibly small, so we had to turn down the talented, enthusiastic cooks of 2024. This process is a lot more streamlined for us; this way we don’t even have to waste our time with auditions.”

These rejections come after a series of un-unsubscribable pan-list emails stating to apply to Y Pop-Up, already waiting in the class of 2024’s brand new @yale.edu email inboxes. Y Pop-Up is not the only group with this level of foresight. The Yale Debate Association has spent countless hours running the numbers, rejecting most all the Class of 2024. Members of the executive board declined to speak at length on these matters, citing that they “refuse to waste their talents conversing with the laymen.” Yale Student Investment Group has also taken to preemptive rejection, choosing applicants based on surname. I spoke to one of the members, who said, “For 2024, we’re only taking members with the last names Salovey, Chun, Yale, and Edwards. We’ve received many, many great applications, but we simply don’t have enough room on our yacht for anyone else.”

