How to Talk about Yourself in the Best Possible Way

Julie Zhuo
The Year of the Looking Glass
10 min readApr 23, 2019


Photo by Robert McGoldrick

No one wants to hear you talk about yourself all day long.
I can’t stand arrogant people.
Ugh, that humblebrag is so obvious.

Sound familiar? Growing up, these sentiments were constant choruses in my household. If I boasted to a friend about acing a test (“SO easy!”) and was within earshot of my mom, I was sure to see her shake her head with the deep disappointment of a thousand Chinese ancestors bearing witness to my transgression of Confucian humility.

Eighteen years of such conditioning, and I could gush modesty like the best of them! I deferred compliments so well, I sometimes turned them all the way back around (“Oh, my dress? It isn’t as nice as yours!”) I gave away credit like Oprah gives away cars (“It wasn’t me, it was this amazing team!”) I gave countless thanks to the gods of luck (“I was so fortunate that my project turned out well!”).

I was the poster child for the golden rule of humility: Whatever you do, don’t give anyone the impression that you think you’re all that.

Except, well… then I wrote a book about management. And as I found out very early on from my publishers, it was non-negotiable that an author establish her credibility to market her book. I was to write an author bio…



Julie Zhuo
The Year of the Looking Glass

Building Sundial ( Former Product Design VP @ FB. Author of The Making of a Manager. Find me @joulee. I love people, nuance, and systems.