Choose Your Friends Wisely

Look for pride, patience, and self-discipline.

Bassey BY
The Yessba


Photo by Long Truong on Unsplash

What do you want from a friend? How much have you grown with your friend in two or five years?

The world-class advice goes, walk with successful people if you want to be successful. That is somewhat true. But how do you define success? We all describe our success differently. So, take the time to decide what success means to you. Then use your parameter of success to look for what you want from a friend.

A true friend can help you grow.

Allis’s good friend, Laura, is her cleaning person. She said, “Laura works with a smile on her face and takes care of my house better than I care for my children. She is open and proud of her job. She is a good friend.”

It seems Laura is proud of herself and her job, has the patience to produce superior service, and has the self-discipline to clean after her employer, Allis.


Look for a person who is proud of who she/he is and what she/he does. For example, Eno shares her strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes honestly. She is unapologetic in celebrating herself, her family/community, and her job. Also, she is humble to accommodate others with different values or lifestyles.



Bassey BY
The Yessba

I write lifestyle stories that help us get healthier, wiser, happier,& wealthier.I like to organize, garden, cook & invest.