Ylixr Update #9: Baby + Startup = Execution

The Ylixr Journey
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2016

I knew I’d be writing about this. But until it actually happened, I had no idea what I would write.

Last week my wife and I got to welcome our first child — Weston — into the world. So here I am, a first-time CEO/founder and a first-time dad, trying to balance two massive roles.

It may not be a coincidence that these two life-changing experiences are coinciding though. And in many ways they inspire each other. The baby definitely provides another reason to make sure the startup is successful.

But how does this really work?

Well, I’ve never been one to pretend to have the answers when I really don’t, and I won’t start now. But as I gear up for some beautifully intense years of both building a business and raising a child, a few thoughts from some bright minds are sticking with me:

It’s about the outcome of two opposite extremes tugging at each other.

Gary Vaynerchuk talks about entrepreneurs possessing, for example, complete confidence and full-on fear at the same time and that this kind of tension tends to bring about optimal execution. It might be the Gemini in me, but I can certainly relate to that.

It’s always your turn (to make a ruckus and do the work that matters).

Seth Godin has gone from marketing guru to a walking well of inspiration for us all to grab the opportunities in front of us, and his most recent book “What To Do When It’s Your Turn” reminds us that it’s always our turn. To ship. To speak up. To stand out. It’s our turn right now.

Side note: Coincidentally (or not), Seth was recently a guest on Gary’s AskGaryVee show, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

So where does this leave Ylixr?

We’re executing. Still focused on value over volume, we’re confident, energized and optimistic. But we also know it won’t be easy to solve this problem of bringing the human element of service experiences into the digital world. It’s not done in one swoop. Kind of like raising a child is not done in one shot.

It might sound like a cliché, but it’s about relentless execution whether you’re dealing with a baby or a startup. Every day. If I wasn’t already locked in on what matters most, I absolutely am now. Thanks Weston!

