The Rough Draft Podcast Is Here!
Season 1, Ep. 1: Outsiders Amongst Outsiders
These past few months have been a whirlwind for the staff of The York Review. We’ve spent hours and hours reading and rereading submissions, designing page layouts, and reaching out to the York community to generate hype for the magazine. With the pages finally sent out to print, we’ve actually had the time to focus on an idea that had been marinating in our minds for a while now: a podcast? A podcast.
What seemed like a pipe dream to us all has actually come to fruition. We can’t believe it — you won’t believe it.
It’s here, guys.
And it’s fire.
The Rough Draft is an hour long podcast dedicated to exploring the creative minds of the literary and artistic community at York College of Pennsylvania and beyond it, providing you with interviews with published authors, brilliant student work, and discussions surrounding anything creative or writerly.
Our first episode features the prolific, talented writer Ryan Britt, author of Luke Skywalker Can’t Read And Other Geeky Truths and countless fiction and nonfiction in The New York Times, Nerve, The Rumpus, Vice, The Awl, and so on — not to mention charming and hilarious discussion between our co-hosts Nicole Dufour and Austin Wolfe. Ryan told Austin in their interview:
“I’ve always considered myself an outsider among outsiders. I’m a nerd or a geek but I’ve always felt a little bit different. Some of that is probably in my head, but some of it is because I feel there is more to talk about in these subcultures.”
We couldn’t agree more, Ryan. So we took his lead; the geekery is strong in this episode. We’re talking all things Star Wars, super heroes, and sci-fi.
Have you clicked play yet? And while you’re listening, follow The Rough Draft Podcast and The York Review on Instagram (@theyorkreview and @roughdraftycp) and Twitter (@YorkReview and @roughdraftycp).
As well as the amazing Ryan Britt (@ryan.britt and @ryancbritt) and our badass podcast team: Austin Wolfe (@austinthewolf), Nicole DuFour (@nicoledufive), Lizz Dawson (@lizzdawsontwozs), Milo Chonchord-Phoenix (@amazingadventuresofmilo and @conchordphoenix), and designer Gabby Sullivan (@gabevirgina and @getcremebrulaid).