The Rise and Destruction of Black Wall Street: A Review of a New Picture Book

by Nosakhere Griffin-EL, Ph.D.


Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre by Carole Boston Weatherford is a powerful story of the rise and destruction of Black Wall Street. In the beginning of the story, the author takes readers on a tour of this amazing independent Black community. She teaches us about the hospitals, many businesses, churches, hotels, grocery stores, and restaurants existing in this community. I especially took note of the author’s discussion of Black Wall Street’s school system providing Black children with an education experience centered in excellence.

This book creates an opportunity for the reader to understand what it felt like to live in a flourishing Black community during racial segregation AKA American Apartheid System. In addition, the author also informs the reader of how this way of life would be destroyed as a result of an accusation of assault. The author teaches the reader this accusation of assault was a justification by racist whites to systematically destroy Black Wall Street through heinous acts of violence.

The illustrations by Floyd Cooper allow the reader to enjoy and reflect on Black excellence during Black Wall Street’s height, while also creating the visual space for the reader to mourn of the destruction of this flourishing Black community at the hands of white racists .

This book illuminates Black people’s potential to develop communities where Black businesses and schools can thrive. It also teaches Black children that if our ancestors where able to build a thriving community in the past, then they have the potential to do the same thing in the present and future.

This book also displays the dark side of American history that Black people know too well. This book is a reflective tool to understand the destructive and violent nature of systematic racism and its impact on Black people. This is a must read book!



Nosakhere Griffin-EL, Ph.D.
The Young Dreamers Book Club

Writer, Educator, Founder, Literacy Advocate, Children’s Book Expert