How to Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube

31 strategies from 6 YouTubers with 70k+ subscribers.

Kristen Walters
YouTube Playbook


Credit: Canva

I recently wrote an article here on Medium about how much I earn as a small YouTuber with a little over 7k subscribers.

Since posting that article, several people have asked if I had any tips for getting your first 1,000 subscribers — which is the amount needed to be monetized on YouTube.

While I wish I had some profound insight to offer here, I do not.

I started my YouTube channel on a whim roughly two years ago.

I did what many aspiring YouTubers do — I posted a few videos and quickly became discouraged when they didn’t take off right away. Then I abandoned the platform for over a year.

Last year, I randomly decided to check in on my channel and discovered that my videos had acquired over 100k views and several thousand subscribers.

