I uploaded daily videos to YouTube for 30 days, and this happened

Results of my 30-day YouTube daily upload challenge

Kristen Walters
YouTube Playbook


Credit: Canva Pro

Have you ever wondered if uploading videos to YouTube daily can help grow a small channel?

I tried it, and this is what happened.

Short Backstory for Context

I’ve been creating educational faceless YouTube channels since 2016. The videos I create are very simple to make.

In fact, most are made using templates and/or stock video footage from Canva, and an AI voiceover software called Play.ht.

Currently, I have over a dozen channels in various niches that are monetized through the YouTube Partner Program.

This story is about one of those channels that I started a year ago, on September 27, 2021.

I originally uploaded 5 videos, then sat back to see what YouTube would do with them. From my experience, it takes about three months for a video to reach its full potential.

After 6 months (in March 2022), the channel had met the requirements for the YouTube Partner Program with the original 5 videos I uploaded.

For reference, I wrote a story about this channel in July 2022, documenting how much it was earning…

