Be a Part of the 10,000 People Research on Personal Lifestyle!

Zalonin’s Story about a study on Beauty and Personal Grooming

Rahul Abhishek
The Zalonin
3 min readNov 29, 2019


We at Zalonin are doing research on how people are enjoy their personal grooming lifestyle.

Be a part of the 10,000 people study here, click:

Everyone has a style. It’s your style.

You don’t do much and like to keep your hair the way it naturally is. Then, that’s your style.

You always use hair spray and blow dryer everyday to keep your hair in a certain way. Then, that’s your style.

Everyone has a style and it’s yours.

“Fashion never ends.”

Do You Want To Know What Affects Your Lifestyle?

Your lifestyle is a part of your identity.

Your identity depends on what you repeatedly do.

You are identified by what you always do, how you always behave, the actions you take (or not take).

If a person wants to keep their lifestyle in the best way possible (in their own way), understanding what affects our lifestyle is necessary.

It’s not a life-death issue but why not make our lives better anyway?

How Humans Have Progressed

As humans, most of our technology has been invented in order to make things easier. More convenient or faster or long-lasting or more affordable.

This is 90% of our human progress.

We have mades our lives more convenient (and automated) for the things which are regular for us, so we can focus more on things that require more attention.

Want to save a scenic view forever? Here’s a camera.

We want to travel faster? Let’s invent a motor vehicle.

Want to travel faster in long distances? Here’s a plane.

Want to talk to people far away? Here’s a phone and network.

Want to have better communication with the whole world? Here’s internet.

Want to pay but don’t want to carry cash? Here’s digital payments.

This doesn’t stop here.

Want to eat hot when the food is cold? Here’s a microwave.

Want to see better if your eyes are getting weak? Here’s a pair of spectacles.

Want to get rid of the growing hair? Here’s a salon.

Want to maintain a certain hair style? Here’s a hairspray.

All about making our personal lifestyles better.

Our Quest: To Understand What Affects You

All this is what we want to understand about personal grooming lifestyle.

What affects people. What troubles you.

Last week, I got an interesting call from my mentor and close family-friend (friend of my father) about Zalonin . Talked about what we are trying to accomplish at Zalonin and how we are trying to make people’s personal lifestyle better.

He suggested a research. Study and talk to people more. Understand them at their core.

Not just from 1 or 2 people but at least 10,000 people!

Not in a year or a month but in a week’s time.

10,000. 1 week. That’s why your help is precious. That’s what we are trying to achieve.

The sole purpose of understanding people has been always extremely important for us.

This time again, we are here carrying out our biggest research ever of 10,000 people.

This is big and we need your help.

Share this post or this 1-minute form, to your friends and family because that would really help carry this research.

The overall research is going to be a big milestone for all of us in understanding personal lifestyle.

Help us help you. Click here: Join 10,000 people in this quest

For more about me checkout, Zalonin. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

