Quick Creation of Token Bonding Curves with Zap Token Wizard

Zap Protocol
Zap Protocol
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2021

With the announcement of the Zap Protocol Beta 2.0 rolling release, we are excited to introduce a revamped Zap Token Wizard. We’ve made it easier than ever to create and list an Ethereum based ERC-20 Token on our platform.The Zap Token Wizard is included in the initial release of the Beta 2.0 launch in order to allow for preliminary testing of this feature. Updates will be made on a regular basis based on feedback from users and community members.

Above you can see a step-by-step example of listing your own token in minutes, using our redesigned Token Wizard. The new UI ensures a more intuitive and simple process for users to create and deploy their own Token while ensuring continuous liquidity through the power of Zap Bonding Curves. The Zap Token Wizard guides you through the entire token creation process. Tokens are automatically listed on the Zap Token Marketplace once they are created. This process is outlined as follows:

  • Select Provider Title, keep in mind this is a one time process to name your wallet address on the Zap Platform
  • Choose a Token Name and Token Symbol.
  • Using our all-new custom drag-and-drop Zap Bonding Curve initializer, providers can govern the curve’s pricing index as well as their Total Token Supply and Reserve.
  • Confirm the Token listing and the process is complete. Please keep in mind that in order for the provider to obtain any amount of tokens from the Token Bonding Curve they create, they must bond to the curve.

About Zap Protocol:

Zap Protocol is a blockchain agnostic decentralized network providing access to data for smart contracts and other tokenized products and services. Credited with coining the term Bonding curve, Zap Protocol also released the first live mainnet Bonding Curve Oracle platform in 2019. Zap Protocol works to ensure blockchain and DeFi is more accessible and easy to integrate into your everyday operations.

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