Why it’s so important to fall in love… with your job!

Lauren Hine
The Zealify Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2016

Note: This post was originally published in 2014

At Zealify we are all about helping people to find a company that is the perfect fit for them, and vice-versa, so we are very passionate about making sure you love what you do. Great companies can bring out the best in you, as well as help you to find your true passion. Below I will go through a few reasons why I think it is so important to find your (work) soul mate and love your job.

Excel at what you do

When you find something you are passionate about, or a company that you love, it can help you become the best at what you do. It allows you the self-belief and confidence to become the person you want to be and truly discover what makes you tick. More than that, it can help you progress quicker in your career; people who are passionate about their career tend to work harder, be more driven and try to reach higher.

Think more creatively

Studies have shown that employees that enjoy their job tend to think more creatively. Not only does this help when working on projects but it also helps with problem solving. By being in a positive environment you can overcome hurdles easier, helping you to more projects forward and work harder.

Develop skills you never knew you had

When you work somewhere you want to spend time it allows you to immerse yourself in the culture of the organisation, and get to know the ins and outs of the company. By doing this you can learn things you never knew and develop skills you didn’t even know you had!

Enjoying 100% of your time rather than just 50%

“Living for the weekend”, “Thank god it’s Friday” are two common phrases used to complain about working. When you spend, on average, 50% of your waking time at work why would you not want to enjoy it! You wouldn’t stay with a boyfriend/girlfriend that you dreaded seeing them so why do you allow yourself to feel that way about work? Surely its time to reclaim 100% of your time and find a perfect fit!

Build meaningful friendships at work

Studies have found that people who enjoy their careers make better, more meaningful friendships at work, which, in turn, helps to further improve happiness at work. Even outside of friendships, interactions with clients are improved when people enjoy their jobs. This can improve morale through increased sales, recognition and appreciation.

I can’t imagine not enjoying the job that I’m doing, I have worked in jobs that I’ve not enjoyed, or not been as motivated at as I should have been, and I truly see the difference when I am working on something I’m passionate about.



Lauren Hine
The Zealify Blog

Startup Programs Operations @Techstars. Founded @Zealify, @FemaleFridays and Incredibli. Passionate about Women in Tech.