Gag Round-Up: Christians on Masturbation

Astrid Twist
The Zealot’s Daughter
5 min readJun 8, 2017

Masturbation: Is it Wrong?
In which the author implies that a woman choosing to masturbate instead of have sex when she is angry at her husband must be spiteful and selfish. As opposed to, say, simply taking care of herself while she gets some space from her heated relationship?

The question of motive is also important for a married woman. There is a huge difference between a selfish wife who masturbates because she is angry with her husband and a wife who masturbates for the purpose of building intimacy with her husband.

Thanks to actual, serious website, “To Love, Honor, and Vacuum” for making this graphic.

Is Masturbation Wrong?
In which the author implies that the only legitimate reason a woman would refuse sex with her husband is if she were hospitalized. As opposed to, say, not being interested in having sex with him.

But this brings up the issue of a spouse masturbating while thinking of his/her spouse. Is it sinful? Again, since the Bible does not declare it sinful, can we? Let’s say that a wife is incapacitated by an accident and is in the hospital for an extended period of time. Is it alright for the husband to masturbate if he thinks only of his wife in order to relieve sexual tension? Again, without a specific declaration of scripture it is difficult pronounce it as sinful. On the one hand, his body is not his own and it is for his wife and he is not to be mastered by anything (1 Cor. 6:12). But on the other hand, she is not available. Would his masturbation be sinful should he commit it if he only thought of his wife? I cannot say for sure.

Is Sexual Self-Stimulation Wrong?
In which the author laments over modern Christianity for not being stern enough in regards to condemning masturbation, and then provides this useful list of solutions for how one can avoid the pitfall:

(1) They must cultivate a love for God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30)…
(2) Study a wealth of Bible texts on self-control, temperance, etc. A good concordance, e.g., Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, can provide a list of passages relating to these topics…
(3) Become convinced that you really can do all things in him who is able and willing to “strengthen” (the idea of putting power into something) you (Philippians 4:13)…
(4) Talk to God in prayer. Plead with him to help you overcome this weakness. He loves you and wants to assist you and lift you out of spiritual slavery.
(5) Find a Christian friend (perhaps an elder, deacon, or minister), or a parent with whom you may confidentially talk. Confess your weakness and ask for encouragement as you fight the sexual battle…

I hope the model in this photo knew what he was signing up for when he agreed to have his picture taken. Thanks,

Questions and Concerns about Masturbation
In which the author describes masturbation as extremely addictive. Like, say, cocaine. Or eating. Or bathing.

In connection with this last thought, it’s important to add that masturbation, due to the powerful hormonal and psychological components of human sexual behavior, can often become extremely addictive. Individuals who fall prey to this addiction may end up carrying it with them into adult married life, where it can become a serious obstacle to healthy marital intimacy.

What Could Possibly Be Wrong with Christian Masturbation?
In which so many disjointed words are strung together in weird ways that it’s hard to even grasp what the author is getting at.

The doctrine of the Trinity teaches us that relationship, union with the Other, is part of the inner life of the One God. In this sense, Christianity is an erotic religion, in that it compels our longing for and contact with the Other. Our bodies are gifts given to us by God, and we give them to him and to others. We are not meant to keep them for ourselves. The sexual union of lovers shows an image and prophecy of our union with God. Sex is to prayer as masturbation is to comforting self-justifications.

Thanks to for this graphic. Also for writing an article about dildoes being a direct path to satan. Thank you for both.

Is Masturbation A Sin?
The grand finale, in which the author giving sage advice mentions that he habitually drank himself into a state of physical incapacity every night in order to avoid the temptation of masturbating. Yeah, let’s listen to this guy.

It had such a hold on me. It became a concrete routine. But just because it became habitual doesn’t mean that the sorrow eventually left me. Grief followed every episode. I felt like I was trying everything I could to escape the temptation. For a period in my life I made sure to have a bottle of hard liquor in my room that I would drink excessively before going to bed just so I’d be physically incapable. Graphic, sure. But I am the vast majority of Christians who have felt the sting of this oppression therefore if I can be transparent and let others know that they’re not alone then I’ll be as graphic as I need to be. I don’t condone the liquor strategy at all. That’s just one option I chose cause I wanted so bad to be freed from it.

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Caveat: Obviously, since Christianity is so broad, there will be swathes of Christians who are innocent of every criticism I make. This blog isn’t about criticizing ALL of Christianity, or every Christian. I wouldn’t even argue that it is about criticizing True Christianity (whatever that is…) It’s about criticizing the Christianity that I knew, loved, and lost. It’s a personal blog with a broader application. It’s a long letter to the love of my life, who is now an ex of mine. An ex that who knows, maybe I’ll find my way back to one day…



Astrid Twist
The Zealot’s Daughter

Post-Christian writing on the intersection between religion and sexuality.