The Zeex Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2018


The last AMA we had was a little bit insane. Not only were we viciously assaulted by the sky (in the form of golf-ball sized hail), but there were so many questions we couldn’t type fast enough!

Hail on the patio in our Israeli office!

We did manage to answer all of them pretty quickly, and we’re glad we had the opportunity to do so, because there’s no better way to answer community questions than answering community questions!

Lately we noticed we’re getting a lot of in-depth technical queries and we’re glad they’re being asked and coming to the forefront. In order to answer those properly, we’ve stolen Ziv, our CTO, away from his schedule for an hour so he can talk directly with you!

From 12:30 GMT on Wednesday until 1:30, anyone and everyone in our Telegram chat will be able to ask Ziv whatever they want! He’ll be handing out tech wisdom like Willy Wonka giving out Everlasting Gobstoppers, so make sure you get there early!

Find us on Telegram at https://t.me/zeexme and check in frequently for exclusive updates and content directly from the founders! Check back on this post after the AMA; we’ll update with the best questions and answers for you!

UPDATE — Questions and Answers!

Q: When will the system be available to test and use?

A: We are launching our beta tester program VERY soon, and we’re planning to have our webapp live immediately following the TGE.

Q: Are your marketing plans going after the gaming segment? It’s a huge market-

A: We are already connected to Playstation and Xbox, so it’s certainly something we’re thinking about, and by the way, we enjoy video games too!

Q: What happens to the ZIX that are used to purchase Gift Cards? Are they resold by Zeex back onto the exchange?

A: The supplier receives the money, ZIX or ETH, as a payment and then does whatever they want with it. If they choose to resell it for more gift cards on the protocol they can do so, and if they choose to HODL they can do that too. The tokens naturally circulate throughout the economy based on the activities of the participants.

Q: How is the solution decentralized?

A: Sellers and buyers will be able to exchange value without a trusted third party using blockchain technology. Everything is transparent and we use encryption to store sensitive data on the public ledger, and all transactions are created on the public ledger and never handled by a centralized entity.

Q: How will my friends who aren’t into crypto at all be able to purchase ZIX?

A: Initially we will be available on the Bancor Liquidity Network, which is very easy to use and get used to!

Q: Have any governments approached you or have you approached them about how they get their sales tax?

A: All crypto tax issues are subject to local regulations. Zeex is a protocol, not a supplier. All buyers and sellers using the Zeex Protocol must comply with whatever laws are applicable in their jurisdiction.

Q: What is the benefit of using ZIX tokens?

A: You get a few benefits when you use ZIX:

Priority — Zix token owners will have priority over other users to get high demand/discounted assets first.

Pledge — ZIX tokens are used as collateral to ensure an immediate settlement.

Login — Zix token owners will have the ability to log into Zeex securely and anonymously using their token.

And of course you can pay with them.

Thank you so much everyone for participating in my first AMA session for Zeex! I really enjoyed answering your questions and I look forward to seeing even more. I’d like to announce that we’re now opening our registration for Beta Testers, so if you want to be among the first to try Zeex, go to http://zeex.me/beta and fill in the form!



The Zeex Protocol

Zeex is the solution to cryptocurrency's greatest challenge: conversion to real world products and services. Learn how at https://www.Zeex.me