What’s Next For Zeex?

The Zeex Protocol
2 min readJun 10, 2018


The Road Ahead

Bridging the gap between crypto and products isn’t a simple task and it doesn’t have a simple solution yet. In order to normalize crypto use and make it a real payment method, we need to come at the problem from several angles.

Making Crypto Easy To Get

One major impediment to widespread adoption is the difficulty of entering the crypto market. Major exchanges are often complex and difficult to navigate, and expensive too. Services like Coinbase simplify the process and charge even more in the process, plus if you’re using a Visa card, you might get an extra fee from them just for transacting in crypto. Rather than deal with all that fiat, regulation and frustration, Zeex will make it easy.

Gift Card To Crypto

Just as simply as you can buy a gift card through the Zeex Protocol, you’ll be able to sell that gift card for crypto. Instead of wiring money to an exchange and trying to buy Bitcoin, simply buy a gift card at a major retailer (or from their website) and sell it for crypto quickly and conveniently. By simplifying the entrance into cryptocurrency, we broaden the potential user base considerably.

Wallet Integrations

Another way of broadening user base is to integrate with existing wallets that people already use. For instance, some wallets have integration with protocols like ShapeShift so they can quickly convert one currency to another. By integrating the Zeex Protocol with mainstream wallets, Zeex will enable users to access liquidity whenever they need to and pay simply wherever they go, all through a wallet of their choice.

Crypto To POS

Even with integrations as streamlined as that, there’s still the obstacle of businesses accepting crypto. Rather than go through extra steps and force businesses to adopt costly settlement systems, Zeex plans to enable them to issue their own blockchain-based gift cards on The Zeex Protocol. Then, wherever you need to buy something, you can simply go into your wallet (perhaps with a location feature so it’ll automatically come up with the relevant vendor), buy a gift card while you’re in line if you don’t already have one, and pay just like everyone else.

The Singularity

All of this work and development leads to what we call a singularity of payments. By fusing the robust infrastructure of gift cards with the security of blockchain, we create a payment method attractive to both buyers and sellers and hopefully move the global community closer to crypto adoption and normalization.



The Zeex Protocol

Zeex is the solution to cryptocurrency's greatest challenge: conversion to real world products and services. Learn how at https://www.Zeex.me