ZelCore Wallet

The Zel Shill
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

Today I will be discussing one of the products that are part of the of Zel ecosystem, ZelCore. Formally known as “ZelTreZ,” ZelCore is a multi-asset wallet for securely storing cryptocurrency funds. The topics presented here are a mere distillation of the ideas behind the wallet and are by no means a replacement for reading the Zel whitepaper yourself.

Download here: zelcore.io

Screenshot of ZelCore on a Tablet

Desktop and Mobile

The wallet currently supports Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Furthermore, the wallet is available for download on mobile devices (phones and tablets0 running Android and iOS. Another exciting feature is that your login can be used on both desktop and mobile interchangeably, yay blockchain tech bro!

Android Google Play Store link: ZelCore

iOS App Store link: ZelCore


Privacy is of the utmost importance to the Zel team. As such there are no backups or files that are backed up to a central server. That means no entity can hack a central server and gain access to your funds (cough, cough, Nicehash). While many might see this as a failure, this means that security is up to the user of the wallet to maintain. This idea maintains the overall vision of cryptocurrencies in which the user has all the control, not some central authority. Therefore, it is very important for the user to make a strong login/password combination and to write it down somewhere safe.

Multi-asset/ Multi-account

As of the time of writing this the wallet hosts Zelcash as well as other major crypto assets such as BTC, ETH, ZEC, LTC, and 50+ other coins and ERC-20 assets. Also, running the wallet in the default light-node mode allows users to have multiple accounts to keep those funds kept separately, or to lie to your spouse about the “massive gains you’ve made.

Built-in Exchanges

Currently, three exchanges are supported which allow you to interconvert your assets within the wallet. Those are Shapeshift, Changelly, and Kyber–Zelcash is not available for trade as it is not natively supported by these exchanges. If you wish to buy Zelcash, you can buy some on the crypto-exchange: stex.com (formally stock.exchange). Soon the Zel team will release its decentralized exchange in due course.

Third-party Exchange support on Mobile

As seen here ZelCore is a very useful product in the Zel ecosystem which will later host a plethora of Zel products (ZelPay, ZelID, and ZelDex). The Zel team producing a useful product is welcome during this time in crypto when teams merely suggest an idea collect on said and left the product to stagnate. The Zel team time and time again have produced on their promises, and I look forward to the future infrastructure they are building. (Obligatory FOMO line)

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The Zel Shill

Huge “aficionado” of the blockchain technology company Zel Technologies. This “medium” is meant to spread awareness of the project and distill down topics!