
An update from Day 8 of the Zoe Challenge with Team Zoe leader Tom Lister

Ben Cooley
The Zoe Challenge
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2013


Tom: Yesterday we were cycling on really busy A roads, it was just after lunch and the rain was pelting down. We kept having to cross railtracks that went across the road and then we came across one that was at 45 degrees to the road and my wheel just hit it and turned. I went down so hard and I was at the front of the pack so I kept expecting one of the others to hit me. I was laying in the dust and I lifted me head and saw Ben hit the track the same way and go down too. You’re clipped into your pedals so the bike goes with you and lands on top of you. My thumb actually got caught in the railtrack and was bent right back. It was pretty grim.

Ben: It’s awful to watch a friend have such a bad crash, everything kind of went into slow motion. No sooner had I acknowledged Tom going over than I hit the same track and was skidding along the gravel myself. You fall like a ton of bricks and you’re doing about 15mph. For a moment I just didn’t get up and then one of the logistics team came over to me and in the moment of confusion she got our names mixed up and started saying, “Tom are you alright? Have you hit your head Tom?”. I’m panicking - am I Tom? I think I’m Ben but I did just land pretty hard. She seems pretty sure she keeps calling me it. After a few confused seconds I look up and see Tom picking himself up off the road a few metres away. With a gasp of relief I realise I definitely am Ben (though being Tom wouldn’t be the worse thing, he’s looking pretty good for a guy that’s cycled a 1000km already). I on the other hand have strapping round my knee and a shoulder I would happily have amputated. Now i’m adding road rash to the list and looking pretty worse for wear.

Tom: At first i’m thinking, ‘oh great, they’ve all gone over to see if Ben’s OK and I’m left bleeding here quietly!’. Actually more than anything i’m relieved he’s OK and then incredibly proud as I watch him pick himself up and dust himself off. After a few man hugs we’re getting back on the bikes.

Ben: Tom’s bleeding from his elbow, he’s scrapped the skin across his hips all down oneside but as I lay there in the dirt, with everyone gathered round, I see him getting to his feet and dusting himself off. Watching him gives me the will to get to my own feet and stand the bike back up. There’s blood on my shirt from the gash in my finger and i’m thinking to myself - it’s not the crash that will define him today but the way he got up from it, the way he picked me up by getting straight back on his bike when all I wanted was to just lay there in the dirt. Tom keeps on pedalling, that’s what defines him.

Tom & I agree that outlook is everything



Ben Cooley
The Zoe Challenge

CEO and co-founder of @hopeforjustice // love justice, freedom and hope