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The Opinion
The Opinion
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2020

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Banning Single-Use Plastic And Climate Justice
Illegal Wildlife Trade And Money Laundering: The Way Forward
Wind in the Willows: A Spirit of Confined Desires and Discontent
US Withdrawal From WHO — End of an Era?
India’s Gig Economy in the Pandemic
Lockdown: A Fight against Pandemic or A Distress for the Unprivileged?
Current Situations of the Indigenous People around the World
Need of Due Diligence In Cross Border Mergers And Acquisitions
How to Counter Fake News?
Saviours or Tormentors? A Critique on Use of Unwarranted Force by the Police Department
New India — Understanding Soft Power and its Role in World Politics
Analysis of Project Atmanirbhar Bharat
The Menace of Conspiracy Theories Amidst a Pandemic
Ban on Chinese Apps: Need and Impact
The Scrapping of S.497 IPC- An Outset Of Equality?
Extrajudicial Killings Undermining the Rule of Law: The Saga Continues
A Gendered Human Rights Analysis Of Covid-19
Decoding Wildlife Protection Laws in India: Need for a Better Enforcement Regime
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism
Changing Dimensions of Sports Law: Analysis in the Light of Prevailing Concepts in the USA
A Critical Legal Analysis of The Enforcement of UAPA (Amendment) 2019
The Next Superpowers and The Opportunity for India
US Withdrawal from the World Health Organization: Problems and Consequences
The Need to Study Economics with a Liberalized Model
Understanding Insights of Force Majeure Clause in light of COVID-19
Is India’s GDP Sailing South?
The Need to Impart Social Media Etiquette in Elementary Schools: The Two Sides of Social Media
Turkey’s new social media law leaves human rights activists across the world distraught
Feminism in ‘The World Before Her’: Introducing the two sides of one coin
Do Female Lawyers Function Differently from Male Lawyers?
India’s quivering allegiance to the ILO and allied Conventions in a Global Pandemic
Systemic Oppression of Dalits and their Cloaked Identity
Decoding the Human Rights Violation due to the Rise of Artificial Intelligence
End of Rote Learning Regime in India with the National Education Policy 2020
Understanding International Relations
Analyzing the Institutional Framework of Courts, Role-play of Laws & Importance of Fundamental Duties in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic
The mindset must change- Permanent Commission to Women Officers in Indian Defense Services.
Analysing The Draft Inland Vessels Bill, 2020: Governing the Inland Waterways
One More Patent Infringement Conflict of Natco: Does Patent infringement affect innovation?

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Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

